If the human race does not destroy itself with weapons of mass destruction, global warming is going to kill some 90% of the people and send the rest underground. Yes, that's a pessimistic opinion, and I hope I'm wrong. But for over 100 years we have been damaging the atmosphere at an increasing rate, and now the amount of pollution is ridiculous. Someday, we will reach the point where pollution is as bad one year as it was the previous year. But stopping the increase in pollution does not stop the bleeding. It will continue to damage our world until we bring a total and complete stop to pollution.

And even if we could bring a permanent end to pollution today, the ozone layer would continue to weaken for a while before it begins to heal. So, even if it was possible to block all the smokestacks and exhaust pipes right now, I think it's too late. The time will still come when the holes in the ozone layer make it impossible to live on the surface of the earth.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to bring an end to pollution. In the worst case, we can decrease the length of the time that the surface of the earth is inhabitable. But I'd say we need to start digging underground cities too.

Some people say that global warming is a hoax. People also used to say that smoking wasn't unhealthy. Some cigarette companies even advertised that cigarettes were good for your health! How people could ever thing that pumping black smoke into your lungs isn't unhealthy is beyond me. And I find it equally difficult to understand how people can think that pumping black smoke into the atmosphere is okay.

And even if it's a hoax, it's a wonderful hoax, because it will still get us to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

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Last updated: 9/7/08
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