Pink Floyd
Dark Side of The Wall
I'm Gone
I haven't worked on the Pink Floyd portions of this page for years and I doubt I ever will again.  Many of my opinions have changed but hopefully this site can still be use for those looking for Pink Floyd or synchronization info.  The philosophy page has been recently updated.
a synchronization discovery (and much more) by Kem Stone
What is it?
It is a synchronization of music and film.  This phenomenon occurs when you play music over an existing soundtrack to a film, and the music seems to fit with the movie.  Several discoveries of such phenomena have involved Pink Floyd music, but only this one involves both Pink Floyd music, and the Pink Floyd movie.  In this synchronization, two CDs,
Dark Side of the Moon, and Meddle are dubbed over the Alan Parker film, The Wall, and the music goes with the film as coincidences and synchronizations occur.  These were almost definitely not planned by screenplay-writer Roger Waters or director Alan Parker, which makes them all the more fascinating.
This web page is the only site on the internet that tells you how to perform the Dark Side of the Wall synchronization.  Also included on this site are instructions for performing Darkside of Oz, and 2001: Echoes. And now, this page has expanded to include reviews of almost all Pink Floyd songs and albums, including live and solo recordings!
The Albums
The Songs (Reviews and Lyrics)
Dark Side of The Wall
Other Pink Floyd Synchronizations
Tell me what you think of this page.  I actually do read this from time to time.
Kem Stone's Philosophy
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