Hey you...YEAH YOU!!! I'm betting anything that you were browsing the damn internet for some kinda thrill ride through the local music world...and I'm betting you came across this site by accident!?! Well...YOU SUCK! (J/K)

Anyway, even though it was a mistake, if you are a Watertown, NY local and you are looking to join a creative hardcore/rock band...YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! I am looking for two electric guitarists, a bass player, and of course a drummer to start making some noise with. So take a look at the site and read the lyrics (demo tracks of lead vocalist coming soon) and see if you wanna jam!! If so, contact me at...

[email protected] or call (315)921-2720 and ask for J.R.
Local Band Network
Band Bio
Band Pics
Member Bios
Mind Leech: Read Our Lyrics
Mind Leech: Listen To The Music (Coming Soon)
Mind Leech: Drain Your Soul
Other Bands In New York
EMAIL ME: [email protected]

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