Kelly's CG World
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Hi everyone and welcome to Kelly's CG World! I know there isn't very much up yet but it's all coming soon! I have everything ready and waiting so I'm going to do my best to get everything up ASAP. I have tons of screen captures waiting to be put up so I'm going to try and get that during the summer. I've actually run out of room for caps on this site so I be made a second site to house the rest of them. Here's a list of what's here and what's coming (things coming are marked with a star).

CG Fanfiction
*CG Photo Gallery
General Cast Photo Gallery
*CG Screen Captures
General Cast Screen Captures
Las Vegas Landscape Captures
*Detailed Links Page
*Character Info Pages
*Kelly's Top CG Lists
Kelly's CSI Guild Page

It's all in the works! I've got the first bit of stuff up and I've got many more pics ready so check back soon for updates!

~*This site was last updated 18/12/05*~

Update Log: I'm really busy with school but I'm working on processing my buildup of caps so I have room for some more.
Important Links:
The Graveyard Shift
Official CSI Website
E-mail Me
Disclaimer: I own nothing; all characters etc. belong to CBS, Alliance Atlantas, whoever. All I know is that I don't own anything and I'm not claiming to.
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