Peace Corps
Jordan Sites...
Jordan Embassy (in DC)
The Jordan Times (newspaper)
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DISCLAIMER:  This is a private website and does not reflect the policies or opinions of the Peace Corps.
DISCLAIMER:  This is a private website and does not reflect the policies or opinions of the Peace Corps.
Ryan in Jordan
Click for Amman, Jordan Forecast
Click for Hackensack, New Jersey Forecast
FYI... Jordan is 7 hours ahead of NJ..times shown above are accurate.
Kelly last updated this site on:
June 17, 2005
6:04 AM (
EST time)
Ben in Jordan
Of the 25 of us, there are 3 are the other 2
updated 06/17/05
updated 05/25/05
Countdown to COS (close of service)
Relief Web (List of International NGO's)
Updated 4/22/05
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