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My name is Kellye (click name for pic) and I am an  adoptee.  I was born 11/01/1964 and was adopted through an agency called Homes of St. Mark, in Houston, Texas.   I have been searching for my birthmother and birthfamily for 22 years.   I am pretty sure that my birthmother's name is Sylvia.   I was told that she lived in Michigan and came to Houston to relinquish and may have moved on to Florida after that. I was also told that she had either 2 or 4  children before me.   I don't know much about my birthfather except that he was 5'9", blonde hair, blue eyes, and he probably doesn't know anything about me.

Welcome to the rollercoaster of adoption searching.

My search began in 1979 when I first contact Homes of St. Mark and spoke with Ms. Houston.  She would only tell me my birthmother's first name.  The only thing I could do over the years is make phone calls to Ms. Houston.  I called a few times a year.  As I got older, I found out about ISRR, International Soundex Reunion Registry, and I contacted them and sent my information to them.  They are the largest adoption registry in the United States.  Then, I got my first computer in 1994 and started combing the adoption registries.  There are hundreds of them and thousands of people searching on them.  I finally got my non-id information from Ms. Houston. 

October 2000

Homes of St. Mark has just recently told me they have found my birthmother.   We have to exchange three letters through the agency, and I have to go to an hour of counseling first (at the agency).  Also, before the letters, my birthmother has to fill out post-adoption  papers and send them back to the agency.   So, that is what we are waiting for, at this point.   I have written the first letter and it is sitting at the agency waiting for those papers!   Sooo wish me luck!   Updates as they occur :-)

November 2000

She has not sent the post adoption papers back as of yet  :-(   I keep calling the agency every few days to see if she has!  Maybe soon!

They have recently called my birthmother (Sylvia) and she said that she is filling out the papers and will send them back soon!

July 2001

Haven't heard anything.   I've hired a private investigator to find them.   I would really like to meet my siblings more than anything.

October 2001

Private investigator fell through.   They found nothing and canceled my case.   I am now going to a search support group at an adoption agency called Depelchin.   I've been twice and they have already helped me tremendously!  They encouraged me to call my adoption agency and bug them to death.   So, that's what I'm doing :-)   The leader of this search support group, is going to speak to the head of my adoption agency soon :-)

March 2002

I started a Yahoo Groups web page for adoptees that were adopted through Homes of St. Mark, and birthparents that relinquished through Homes of St. Mark, and siblings and anyone else related to Homes of St. Mark.

If you were adopted or you relinquished a baby through Homes of St. Mark in Houston ONLY, please come join my search website!                           Click below:
Me and my best friend, my husband Neal
My beautiful daughters, Dawn and Stacey
Neal and Nicolaas
My new and only neice, Katie!!!
Nicolaas update!!  3-28-02

Click to subscribe to HomesofStMarkHoustonAdoptees
August 25, 2002  (Written October 6, 2002)

I FOUND HER/THEM!! My records were petitioned from the court and a social worker was made the master of my records.  She gave me her first and middle name and we looked up marriage records.  I found that she was married to a man that was born in Michigan.  On Sunday, August 25, 2002, I called every person listed in Michigan with that same last name, and asked if they were related to him.  After about 45 calls, I finally talked to a woman that said her husband was this man's brother.  I talked with her husband and he told me that his brother had died in 2000.  (This man was not my birthfather, although I was not sure at that time) He gave me one of my half-sister's phone number and my husband called her for me. 

When he dialed the number I was freaking out.  I was pacing and crying.  I started having a panic attack.  It was such a trip!!!!!!!!!!

When he first started telling her why he was calling, she stopped him.  She said she knew why he was calling and had gotten the same type of phone call two years before.  She said 'our' birthmother had 8 kids and three of them were given up for adoption, and one of them had found them already. 

The night I found them, I could not sleep.  The next day at work, I could not work.  My brain was going crazy.  It was like I was rearranging everything, where I was in this life, who I was, all the details that I learned were processing and it was driving me crazy.  I didn't think it was going to stop but it finally did after about 3 days. 

Skipping all of the details, I have 3 brothers and 5 sisters on my birthmother's side.  I also have 1 brother and 4 sisters on my birthfather's side.  I had to make 2 spreadsheets to keep up with them all, and their ages and their spouses and kids.  Most of them live in Florida and a lot of them live in other states like Idaho, Oregon, Georgia, and Nevada. 

My birthfather died also, in 2000, and never knew about me.  I'm really sad about that.   I have been told that he was a nice and funny man.  He loved his children and was a hard worker.  I look just like him!  More than any of his other kids.

Now for my birthmother!  We finally spoke on the phone on September 11, 2002.   I had already spoken to a few sisters and a brother by that time.  When she answered the phone, it felt like I recognized her voice.  We happily chatted for a couple of hours.  She was not looking for me but was glad that I found her.  She has never had a computer and had never searched online.  She filled in all the gaps and answered all of the questions I had.  Everything went great and is still going great!  She lives in Florida, and I live in Texas, so I don't know if/when we will ever get to meet.  We don't have any plans to meet at this time.  She did keep saying 'we'll have to get together soon!'  We have spoken on the phone three times now.

I have an aunt and uncle and three cousins that live right by me, on my birthfather's side.  I went to their house and saw pictures and videos of my birthfather and his children.  I look more like my birthfather's side than my birthmother's.  One of my little sisters looks exactly like me when I was her age.  I am 11 years older than she is.  My brother on my birthfather's side was happy at first, then kinda skeptical, but I think that he believes me now.  I had to convince him I wasn't looking for anything, just a brother :-)  They have all welcomed me with open arms.  I have a really awesome cousin that I've been speaking with online almost every day!  Every once in a while, I'll get a call from one of them I haven't met yet.  I still haven't spoken to all of them yet. 

That is the end of my long journey.  My adoptive parents and family are just as happy as I am. 

Now I am going to help other adoptees find their birth families.  I've already helped about 8 of them this year, steering them to the right places, and they have been reunited :-) 
I now also have a group for Houston Adoption Searching!  Please, if you were adopted or you are a birthparent or you are searching in Houston, click here and join my group and find who you are looking for, like I did!!
Enter your email address, and click JOIN NOW!!
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Half sister - Lorri
My birthfather, Floyd
My birthfamily
Jean's son - cousin Jimmy
Floyd, too
Stacey again
More Stacey :-)
Prom night
          Danny's son - Danny Jr.
Mandy  1982 - 1997
My birthmother, Sylvia
Half brother - Jerry
Half sister - Valerie
Half brother - Nick
Half sister - Vicki                       1959
Half sister - Janet (adopted)
I was born after Vicki                1964
Half brother - Jeremy (adopted)
Half brother - Troy (with Lisa)   1964
Half sister - Lisa
I was born after Troy                 1964   
Half brother - Danny
Half sister - Sandra
Half sister Crissy - (with Danny)
Half sister - Vonnis                   1967
Aunt Ann
Aunt Jean
Danny again
Me and my cousin Susie at 17
Check this one out!!
Another picture of beautiful Crissy
Kellye 2002
Stacey's boyfriend, Chris
Ann's daughter - JeriAnn
Me again!
Me and my cousin Susie as babies :-)
Me and my cousin Susie as toddlers!
Kellye 2004
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