Osler Weber-Rendu Syndrome or HHT (This website is updated upon receipt of new information.  If a new discovery is made this page will be adapted.)

Hereditary Hemmoragic Telangectasia, or HHT is a form of blood loss anemia.  Genetically a predisposed person has a 50% change on contracting the disorder from an affected parent.  If not affected the gene stops and can not be passed on.

HHT is highly underdiagnosed because it is commonly unrecognized due to hidden symptoms.  Capillaries are malformed and therefor have breakage that often needs to be cauterized when presenting as nosebleeds.  Internal bleeding takes place in many organs, especially lungs, stomach and brain.

Most cases of HHT are so mild a person can ignore symptoms and never need cauterization or blood transfusion.

If telangectasia present on tongue, in nose, on lips and/or elsewhere they may be mistaken for broken capillaries.  They are broken capillaries. 

To be continued......
Until recently the HHT gene was not identifiable. HHT Links: HHT HQ HHT Site - U of Mich Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangectasia (HHT) Mutation Database HHT / Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome For moral support and tips contact me Name: Kelly Brennan Bertucci Email: [email protected] Counter
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