Setting a new standard for TV teen modeling


Hello and welcome! Thank you so very much for visiting my little ole web sight. I've had a lot of fun putting it together and my hope is that you enjoy it as much as I do!! Read my Bio page to see more and learn more about me. And be sure to visit my Gallery to see some fun images of an everyday teenage T-girl.

All My Love,


I love meeting people, so please consider asking me out for a date sometime. I'm sure that you would enjoy the experience. I've been told that my tongue can almost reach my shoulders. Just like a frog's. (Giggle, Giggle).


When I find the time, I update my site. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to e-mail me from the link below. I read and respond to all my e-mail.

Latest Update - April 19, 2003...New Risque Picture



This is a no-vulgar website. There are no pictures with obscenity anywhere on the site. To keep from getting any questions, because some of my poses may be a bit sexy, I want everyone to know I am over 18....barely!

All images, graphics and site design are copyright 2003 by Kelly TV Teenager. All rights reserved.

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