MeDjUgOrJe AuGuSt 2001

Me and my friend Maja went to Bosnia - Medjugorje where the Kellys were too. It was a youth festival. If someone doesn't know what Medjugorje is and what it means to some people... I'll tell you a bit about it now.

Medjugorje is a really special town of Holy Mary. She is coming to Earth there every day at 18:40. But I believe she is on Earth the whole time not only at this hour. Many people from all over the world are coming there to see the place, ask Mary for help in their diseases or any other problems or wishes they have, and then many people are returning back there to thank her for everything good she has done to them. Lots of people also had the oppertunity to actually see Mary and talk to her. If you wanna see her you just have to look and watch her with your heart. I'm sure you'll see her then!

So... The festival there is every year in the summer. This year it was from 30.07. to 6.08. We came there on Tuesday at 18h just before the mass started. It was really great, there were so many people and we actually felt Mary's there. You can feel the peace and love all around in the air. So many wonderful things happened to us during that week which we believe wouldn't happen anywhere else than there.

Well, but I am sure you all wanna read about our meeting with the Kellys so here it comes... This was also one of the many miracles which happened to us during our first and nonforgettable time in Medjugorje!

We saw Maite and Paddy for the first time by the mass on Thursday (3rd day of the festival).. They sang Thanking blessed Mary.... Then we actually met Paddy after the mass just after one czech girl was asking him for a photo which he didn't want to make. He said it's going too much in the newspapers and that he doesn't wanna make photos. Also like he told us Medjugorje is a Holy place and people should be there cause of Mary and not cause of them. They are there like normal people and they don't want people to cherish them... He went away and passed us by and I said: "Paddy" and he came to us and then I said we just wanted to say hi.. .. And he said "HI"! He was sooo sweeeeeet!!!! Then we talked.. he asked us where are we from and we said Slovenia and he said it's a veeeeery nice country.. Then he asked us how long will we stay there.. then we talked a bit more and then he had to go cause there was a procession after the mass.

Well, on the next day we also met him in the morning and there were some Polish fans and he was giving them autographs so we also got one.

Then during the day we saw John and PAPA DAN and John's Maite and Patricia.... And they sang 3 songs after the mass... Well, we talked to Patricia after the mass.. She's sooo full of life and so happy and everything... I was like in heaven... I never imagined it will be so GREAT talking to the Kellys... But it is... They are soooo wonderful!!!!

Well, Saturday... Met Johnny and Maite... Took pics with them and autographs... Well, only Johns... Maite was recording everything on the camera... She's soo sweet! We actually congratulate her for getting married 4 weeks ago.. And she was soooo surprised.. Then we met Paddy in the afternoon... We were sitting in the shadow and he was talking to one girl.. probably also polish one.. He said hi to us and we started talking... we talked for some time and then he had to go but he was stopped for a while by the Polish fans.

Angelo came too at that afternoon and they were sitting just in front of us up somewhere on the "stage". Then after the mass there was one show and we kinda got borred and Polish fans told us the Kellys went away... and we were so darn tired so we went on icecream and home.. And the next day our friends told us they saw the kellys after that show.. Well well..

Sunday.. NO KELLYS the whole day.. When we already decided we'll go to the sun in front of the oltair I saw John's Maite in the van.. we made a circle around the park and saw Paddy! He said hi and we asked him about the concert.. He told us they'll sing 4 songs after the mass... COOOL!! After the mass one priest finally told us Kellys will sing us some songs... And they sang even some more than 4! We had the best time! And after the concert we went to the "BS" and take pics and autgraphs with Paddy, Patricia, Maite... They were all so niceeee.. We gave everyone of them one little picture of Mary and they were all SOOOO HAPPY!!!! I couldn't believe it.. It's was NOTHING but they were so thankful to us! Maite hold my hand, Paddy was so happy, Patricia kissed the Mary, John also thanked me so much, also Angelo.. and Papa also was realy happy... I gave him two pics of him and Maite from a concert and I hugged him and kiss him and he held me and he was soo sweet! Oh well.. Dunno.. Everything was just perfect!!!! I was never so happy in my life!!!!

Well, after that we went home and then straight to one hill at 1 in the morning and slept there on rocks... I had so many tears in my eyes during the mass on that hill in the morning... I was sooo sad and also sooo happy.. So thankful to God and Mary for bringing us the Kellys and letting us met them... And I was sad cause we'll go home already... I wanted to stay a week more cause I knew I wouldn't find the right words for thanking enough to Mary...

But then we already had to go on the bus and home and I had a SUPER feelingPaddy will come when we'll be on the bus.. The bus was turning around and I was kidding that we'll hit Paddy now.. I was looking out and saw HIM!!!! So crazy!!!! You just can't imagine how many miracles happened there to us!!!! huh.. too many!!!! But that was the last view of Paddy but not the last of Medjugorje.. We still had to drive out of the town, passed by the church and the place filled up with so many memories...

We didn't forget almost anything from our first time in this Holy Place and I am sure we will save all the memories close to our heart... But I am more sure about something else... I know we will return to Medjugorje as frequently as we only can and for sure we won't ever miss the youth festival... I already invited my friends to come too and some promised me they will go there...

You really have to go to Medjugorje if you have a chance cause there you will start to believe even more like you do now!


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