Kelly Baker
About me... just a West Coast T-girl into all the usual stuff - hair, clothes, makeup...
Did I mention hair?  In addition to sexy makeup, I've got a bit of a  fetish for updos, ponytails, buns, barrettes, clippies, and the like.  If you're into hair, drop me a line and give me an idea for a cute style you'd like to see me in!  :)  Absolutely no propositions from men, please - I'm hetero, only into girls.  Write me at [email protected].
Excuse the template-based page... I don't have time to mess around with anything fancier!  All photos are unretouched and hormone-free (no BST either) - thanks to Michelle Blioux and Amanda Richards for some excellent makeovers.

Please do not alter or reproduce photos without explicit written permission.  All material (c) 2003, 2005, 2006 Kelly Baker.
No fancy website here.  Just click for some photos.  I like these so much I got rid of all the old ones!
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