Ho hum...another year, another championship...yeah, right! Once again, the New England Patriots are World Champions, defeating the Philadelphia Eagles in a closely-fought and exciting game by a score of 24-21 to win Super Bowl XXXIX to cap off yet another incredible, record-setting season by the Boys from Foxboro and to cement their position as one of the greatest teams in the history of the National Football League!
And what a season this was- the off-season signing of Corey Dillon, the potentially-devastating early-season injuries to Ty Law and Ty Poole, setting the all-time record for consecutive victories, tying the team record (set last season) for victories in a single season, the two-way (actually, three-way, including special teams) play of Troy Brown, the late-season injury to Richard Seymour, dealing with the likely loss of both coordinators come season's end, the dominating playoff wins over the "vaunted" Indianapolis Colts (again!) and Pittsburgh Steelers, and a hard-fought victory over a hungry, gritty Philadelphia Eagles squad to capture back-to-back Super Bowl titles, and their third in four years!
And as always, these were won the Patriots' way, with a minimum of individual ego and a maximum of  TEAM focus! This team, this organization, just gets it- it's a quiet, self-assured self-confidence, cooly effective and efficient, no part greater than the sum, strong individuals coming together in a group effort, enjoying the success of the moment while focusing what is next, what should be the template for professional athletic success (indeed, success in most any field) today. This must be similar to what it was like being a 49ers fan in the 80's, and as a fan who has followed this team through it all (of all the four local teams, since I was little the Pats have always been my #1 team) to at last see them not merely win, but be the standard of excellence, is soooooo gratifying. Thanks guys- Go Pats!!!
Now, on with the show...
Honoring America, former President Bush on hand again, with former President Clinton.
Coach Weis and Tom confer early.
Randall Gay breaks one up early.
Kevin Faulk providing a nice change of pace.
David Givens hauls in 6!
Eugene Wilson picks one up in the 2nd.
Richard Seymour and Willie McGinest sack Donovan McNabb.
LB Mike Vrabel with a TD catch...again!!
Full Tilt- Full Time!!!
Corey Dillon scores in the 4th.
Tom Terrific!
Rodney Harrison with the pick late to seal it!
Troy starts to celebrate!
A smile? From Coach Belichick?! (Great sweatshirt, coach! :)
What it's all about...MVP Deion Branch celebrating with the Vince Lombardi Trophy!
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