Liberty Links

From time to time I get people who ask me about my politics, my views. Be it due to my transgenderism, or due to where I live (Bluest of Blue State Massachusetts) there is often the automatic assumption that I- and anyone who IS transgender, and/or lives in a "blue" state- hew to a liberal/Democrat POV. I have no problem correcting anyone's erroneous assumption, and I have no problem with those who hold intelligent, thoughtfully-arrived at differing points of view.
What I DO have a problem with is the incredible hypocrisy of some (and they are a small, but highly vocal, number) who bleat of their "tolerance," their "inclusiveness," their "open-mindedness" and "commitment to diversity" who shout down, denigrate, and cast the vilest of words and aspersions upon our President, all members of his party, and anyone with the "audacity" to vote for him or them and/or support any of their proposals, policies, etc...It is intolerance, which speaks to their lack of civility as much as anything. Similarly, I have a problem  with those who assume that, since one voted for President Bush, or has voted for Republicans, one endorses EVERY position he, or his party, or some of the more extreme elements who also may have supported him and/or his party, takes, in a manner they often do not hold Democratic or liberal supporters to.
Myself- I'm an independent (or, in the parlance of Massachusetts, "unenrolled") voter who would define myself most accurately with the
au currant (and a bit trite!) description of "neolibertarian." I'm not embarrased to say I voted for President Bush- twice!- simply because, on more issues, his views were closer to where mine were, and are, than his major party challengers. There are issues on which I disagree with our President and his party. But where I have some disagreements with them, there are few issues on which I find agreement with most Democratic candidates, officials, etc... Mostly, I just want a government that will interfere in peoples' lives as little as is absolutely necessary (that includes economically, property rights, as well as personally) while defending our nation from threat.
Toward that end, I humbly submit the following list of Liberty Links! Hardly exhaustive, they are a smattering of the thoughts, ideas, and ideals on a variety of topics and issues that inform my POV, and hopefully may provide a start for those willing to open their minds a bit and explore differing ideas on liberty and freedom in the lives of individuals and institutions.
Or in the words of my neighbors to the north..."Live Free or Die!" ;)

Arizona Republic
Boston Herald
Christian Science Monitor
Financial Times
Las Vegas Review-Journal
New Hampshire Union Leader
Orange County Register
San Diego Union-Tribune
Wall Street Journal

Op-ed/Commentary pages

Acton Institute
American Foreign Policy Council
Americans for Fair Taxation
Beacon Hill Institute
Cato Institute
Citizens for an Alternative Tax System
Citizens for Limited Taxation
Center for Democracy & Technology
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Drug Policy Alliance
Foundation for Economic Education
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
First Amendment Center
Freedom House
Goldwater Institute
Hoover Institution
Hudson Institute
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Libertarians For Life
Liberty Education Forum
Manhattan Institute
National Rifle Association
Nevada Policy Research Institute
Pacific Research Institute
Pink Pistols
Pioneer Institute
Progress & Freedom Foundation
Property & Environment Research Center
Reason Foundation

Think Tanks/Policy Orgs

BlogCabin (Log Cabin blog)
VirginiaPostrel Dynamist
The Free For All
Free Liberal
Gay Patriot
Intellectual Conservative
MeganMcArdle.The Atlantic
Outright Libertarians blog
Partial Observer
Reason Hit&Run
Blogs of note

The American
The American Conservative
The American Spectator
City Journal
Commonwealth Magazine
Critical Review
The Freeman
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Human Events
The National Interest
National Journal
National Review
Policy Review
Rational Review
Tech Central Station
World Affairs Journal
Journals, Magazines, etc...

Drudge Report
Christopher Hitchens Web
Independent Gay Forum
Assorted "other"
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