Captor - Unkown
Our very first specimen. We found him on our doorstep one day, no note was attached. This Kelet has helped us in the capture of many of our rarest Kelets.
Breeder - Ubermensch
Through Campion's observations on Kelet breeding, Ubermensch was able to produce an offspring. This little fellow has been showing signs of rapid growth. Although, he's not as deadly as his father, yet.
Captor - Mighty Mouse
Once we found the food that Kelets are most attracted to, Domokuns, we were able to begin searching and capturing Kelets in the wild. This herd was captured in one of those pit traps with the leaves all over it. The Domokun was dangled on a rope just above the trap, and later tossed into the pit to keep the Kelets busy while we secured them into our net.
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