The Thames Path from Hampton Wick

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Putney Reach Putney to Chiswick Bridge, the Varsity Boat Race Course. Putney is the lowest point on the Thames Path that we can find unbroken sections in the London Area. I started at the south side of the bridge and walked down behind the old Star and Garter Hotel. From this point the arch of the new Wembley Stadium can be seen in the far distance.The tarmac road gives way to a good quality path, partially enclosed by trees. The wetlands centre is at our side. We encounter the wonderful Harrod's Furniture Depository, then Hammersmith Bridge.

Harrod's Depository Hammersmith Bridge

Chiswick Eyot We pass under Hammersmith Bridge, where the path becomes rougher but is wide and passes between trees. We are able to view Old Chiswick and Chiswick Eyot.

We head on to Barnes, where the path runs alongside Lonsdale Road, but is safely separate.

Barnes Bridge Gustav Holst's House

We encounter Barnes Railway Bridge and, just before it, The House Where Gustav Holst was living, when he wrote "The Planets". The track then varies in width and quality and includes sections of old and new cobbles.

Chiswick Bridge Varsity Boat House

We arrive at Chiswick Bridge, just beyond which, on the far bank, we can view the Westminster Boathouse, used at the end of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

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