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Talea clung tight to Jon-Tom's arm, watching. He's changing, Jon-Tom. It's what he wants, he told her softly, also watching the transformation.
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He knew she was beautiful, but details shifted in his memory and suddenly she resembled a serving girl in Krondor or a girl glimpsed in. the village of Crydee.
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And smiling now, like a perfect flirt. Stop it, she told herself, look away! Hell think youre out of your mind staring. buyer first home mn But then he's staring too, isnt he?
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We don't want any rooftops out there for them to shoot at us from.' The Genidian PrecEptor paused. 'I'm not very experienced at sieges,' he admitted.
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Stone flicked off the microphone button connecting voice transmission to Burton. Actually, it will take several minutes to hook in, but I've told him we've already started.
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