Hilde Gueden

Born: Vienna, 15 September 1915
Died: Klosternenburg, 17 September 1988
D�but: Vienna, 1939 in Stolz's Servus servus

A very versatile soprano, Hilde Gueden sang both operetta and serious roles, from Roselinde in Die Fledermaus to Gilda in Rigoletto, and possessed an individual tone quality that is easy to recognise. Although essentially a light lyric soprano, she possessed even tone over quite a large range, enabling her to sing coloratura roles with reasonable fluency. She was a very good vocal actress, and could use her voice to sound sweet and vulnerable, but also quite feisty (for example, in Kleiber's recording of Der Rosenkavalier or B�hm's live recording of Die Schweigsame Frau, both of which show her in both modes or, quite often, a mixture of the two).

Other roles include Zerlina, Pamina, Sophie, Zdenka, Daphne and Hanna Glawari.

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