You Know You're Obsessed With Gundam Wing When.........
By: Your Charming Webmistress

1. You stick pictures of all the Gundam guys all over your walls.

2. You convert your bedroom so that it looks like the inside of a Gundam cockpit.

3. On your way to work or school you try to run over people who see you.

4. You think Duo should get a haircut cut and quick.

5. You learn to play every single instrument that Quatre can play.

6. You hack into computer files and fill them all with Gundam pictures.

7. You insist that people call you the God Of Death or you'll kill them.

8. You take hours designing your own Gundam and trying to build it out of cardboard.

9. You spend your days acting like you have a really boring personality and like to bore people to death

10. You think Heero should be hit over the head with a plank of wood!!!
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