You Know You're Obsessed With Tenchi When.....
By: Your Webmistress

1. You grow your hair out down to your ankles, dye it pink and call yourself a genius.

2. You search your local shrines for the one called the Masaki shrine.

3. You try to walk through doors, walls and other solid objects without using a sledge hammer.

4. You find two empty barrels, colour one blue and the other red and call them Asaka and Kamidake.

5. You insist on doing all the housework and cooking around the house.

6. You call your kids after Tenchi characters.

7. You travel all the way to Tokyo to find a job.

8. You call your cat 'Ryo' and your rabbit 'Ohki'.

9. You insist to people that you can walk through walls and summon an orange laser sword.

10. You command your local police force to change their name to 'The Galaxy Police'.
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