You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When......
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By: Your Webmistress

You run out of the history museum screaming when you see a dinosaur skeleton and think it's SkullGreymon.

2. You hold up a toy digivice to a computer screen and shout 'Digiport Open!'.

3. You walk into computer shops asking if they sell pineapple laptops.

4. You ask your Mom if you can have a Matt hair style.

5. You name your cat Gatomon and almost kill it trying to make it digivolve.

6. You stick a paper horn on your dog's forehaed and call it Gabumon.

7. You mess up your room and blame it on the Garbagemon.

8. You dress in dark clothes and put on some dark glasses saying you are Ken.

9. You say that your red dinosaur model is a Tyranomon.

10. You're reading this list!
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