Gundam Wing Interviews
First Interview: Heero Yuy

Interviewer: Hi, I'm your very charming web-mistress Kathryn here today to interview  Heero Yuy. Pilot of Wing Zero and maybe the most un-talkative of all 5 pilots. So without further ado, we'll jump to the first question if that's ok with you Heero.

Heero: Hn, whatever.

Kathryn: So, what's it like being the perfect soldier?

Heero: ................................................hell.

Kathryn: Then why do you do it?

Heero: It keeps me occupied.

Kathryn: Oo a great lead off. There are rumours and speculations floating around that things are going on between you and a fellow Gundam pilot Duo Maxwell.

Heero: So?

Kathryn: Well is there?

Heero: *folds his arms* Even if there was I wouldn't say anything to you.

Kathryn: Aw come on Heero! Let up. Give the gossip.

Heero: F**k off.

Kathryn: Fine then. lets ask Duo Maxwell himself.

Duo: *walks in* Did I hear my name mentioned?

Kathryn: Yeah Duo, would you like to answer a question for our interview.

Duo: Sure. Fire away.

Kathryn: Ok, is there anything going on between you and Heero is the question that everyone wants to know.

Duo: Me and Hee-chan? *gets shot a death glare by Heero* I don't think I should say anything. If something were to be said Heero would have said it.

Kathryn: Hang on, how come you called Heero Hee-chan, and he didn't walk across the room and punch your lights out?

Duo: kinda goes like this ya see....

Kathryn: I knew it, I knew it! There is something going on between you two!

Heero: *points a gun at her head* If you say anything, I will track you down and kill you slowly.

Kathryn: Eeep!! I won't say anything.

Heero: Get out of here! Leave us alone.

Kathryn: Leave you two alone? On your own? Hmmm, sounds like somebodys gonna have fun.

Heero and Duo: GET OUT!

Kathryn: Woah I'm going! *uncrosses her fingers* I won't tell...........
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