A Short Gundam Wing Interview
Kathryn: Ok, I'm your charming Web-Mistress, here to interview the Gundam pilots of the anime Gundam Wing. I have with me here, 4 of the 5 pilots.  SO, without further ado, I'll jump to the first question that is for Heero and Duo, a question that I'm sure plays on everyones lips. Is there anything going on between you two guys?

Duo: *shrugs*

Heero: Even if there was I'm sure we wouldn't tell someone like you.

Duo: You're an interviewer person, a gossip raker, it'd be all over the front page.

Heero: Exactly.

Duo: If there's anything going on between me and Hee-chan nobody knows and it might want to be kept that way.

Trowa: Hee-chan?

Kathryn: Hey, how come you called Heero Hee-chan and he didn't stride across the room and punch your lights out?

Duo: Erm.......well, ya see..it kinda goes...

Heero: Duo!

Ha! So there is something going on!

Heero: *points a gun at her head* If you tell anyone outiside of this room, I will track you down and kill you very slowly.

Kathryn: Eeep! I promise.

Quatre: Is this interview over yet? I'm bored.

Kathryn: It's only just beginning my dear friend. And guess what, the next question's for you. So, what exactly is the deal with your shirt? I mean, it's pink for God's sake!

Quatre: What's wrong with my shirt? It's what I wear ok? If you give me any agro about it I'll point a gun at your head like Heero did.

Kathryn: Man, these people really have something against me don't they?

Duo: I heard that and yes we do!

Trowa: You're annoying everyone I'm sure. I say we tie her to a chair and duck tape her mouth shut.

Heero: All in favour say aye.

Trowa: Aye.

Quatre: Aye.

Duo: You got my vote.

Heero: Lets go.

(C) Anime-Circus 2001
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