My Favorite Willow Fic
My Willow Page
My Willow and Tara Page
Willow, the Wiccan, Witchy Wonder.
You're the Slayer and we're, like, the Slayerettes.
Once again I've been banished to the demon section of the card catalog.
When I'm with a boy I like, it's hard for me to say anything cool or witty...or at all. I can usually make a few vowal sounds and then I have to go away.
Oh, I don't get wild. Wild on my equals spaz.
Why are you suddenly so worried about looking like an idiot? That came out wrong.
There's no use arguing with me. Do you see my resolve face? You've seen it before. You know what it means.
I knew it! I knew it! Well, not in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know!
The reflection thing you don't have...Angel, how do you shave?
Ghost Will!
"Hey!!! We don't have time for this, our friends are in trouble. Now we have to put our heads together and, and get them out of it. And if you two aren't with me a hundred and ten percent, then get the hell out of my library!"
We can't run, that would be wrong. Could we hide?
I"m a blood sucking fiend! Look at my outfit!
Giles? I-I just talked to Buffy and yeah, she's feeling kinda....insane. No--not bitchy crazy. More like homicidal maniac crazy? So I told her to go see you, kay?
I shot Oz!
I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in right?
Vamp!Will. *Shiver* She's so cool.
The First Slayer tried to kill us in our dreams.
Eat a cookie, ease my guilt?
The pain is not a friend.
I'm sorry. I'll try for a quiet rage. Bye.
Aww, they're cute together too.
Ooh--I have an idea. Beat the crap out of her.
Oh I feel like Santa Claus, except thinner and younger and, well, Jewish.
Via, concursus, tempus, spatium, audi me ut imperio...Screw it! Mighty forces, I suck at Latin, okay? But that's not the issue! I'm the one in charge and I'm tell you open up, portal, now!
I'm a blood sucking fiend! Look at my outfit!
Ah, Willow and Tara trying to find Buffy.
Willow with short hair! I like the season four cut personally.
Bored now.
Uh oh--Pissed Off!Willow. Not a good thing.
And here's Evil!Willow as she tries to get to Andrew and Jonathan. Nice outfit Will.
Evil!Willow faces off against the Slayer. *creepy music*
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