Black Jewels Trilogy Homepage
Welcome to my page devoted to all things Black Jewels, whether ye be friend, foe, or some poor schmuck who just happened to stumble upon it ^_^
The Official Black Jewels Fanfiction University

I am the Night
I am the Darkness
I am the Prince of the Blood
He is the Prince of the Darkness
He is the High Lord of Hell
He is the Son of my Soul
She is the Daughter of his Soul
She is the Queen of the Darkness
She is Witch
The son of my soul
The daughter of his soul
Kaeleer's Heart
They are his sons: Hayllian and Eyrien
He is his father's mirror
He is his father's namesake
He is her lover
He is the Warlord Prince of Ebon Rih
He is his father's son
He is her sister
Father, brother, lover
The Father came before, the brother stands between
Father, brother, lover
The Blood Triangle
Strength, Courage, Passion
Saetan, Lucivar, Daemon
Three sides protect what they surround
Their Queen
And Blood shall sing to the Blood
Blood is the memory's river
Four sides to a Blood Triangle
She is coming
A howl of joy and pain, of rage and celebration rises from the abyss
She is coming
I cannot heal the taint--but she can
She is coming
Sometimes a friend must become an enemy to remain a friend
She is coming
They spiral down into ebony, catching the stars with their tails
She will always spiral
The Maelstrom
The end of the Blood
She is coming
Few will live, but those who live will serve
She has come
Father, brother, lover
The triangle must stay together
Father, brother, lover
Falling--falling, into the abyss--caught
The Queen of Ebon Askavi is no more
But she who is Witch--lives
Father, brother, lover
Father, brother, husband
Kaeleer's Heart is safe
I am the Prince of the Blood
I am the Night
I am content

Homepage for the Official Black Jewels Fanfiction University
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