My Angel Page
Sometimes it hurts more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace...but we would be hollow. Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passions we'd be truly dead.
Los Angeles. You see it at night and it shines. Like a beacon. People are drawn to it. People and other things. They come for all sorts of reasons. My reason? No surprise there. It started with a girl.
You guys go on. I think I'll stay here and not burst into flames.
I'll never leave. Not even if you kill me.
This isn't a fairy tale. When I kiss you, you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after.
Angel: Kate, I don't think you should go in there.
Kate: And where are you going?
Angel: In there.
Kate: Well I can go where I like, and you can go to hell. *walks off*
Angel: Been there. Done that.
Doyle: I've been sent by the powers that be.
Angel: The powers that be what?
Ah, Liam. Hello pre-Angelus Liam.
Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be, Connor. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world is what it should be, to show what it can be.
Angel and Darla--a dangerous couple. They look good together.
The Gateway for Lost under the post office?
I'm not cheap, I'm just old. I remember when a few bob got you a good meal, a bottle, and a tavern wench.
Welcome to the 21st century Angel.
There are three things I don't do: tan, date, and sing in public.
Angel...with a teddy bear. Okay, now I'm scared.
Doyle: I don't see Angel putting on tights...Oh, now I do and it's really disturbing.
My parents were great. Tasted a lot like chicken.
Ah, the lovely Angelus. Scary and sadistic, with a sense of whimsy.
Angel: I don't want to share my feelings. I don't want to open up. i want to find Russell and I want to look him int he eye.
Doyle: Then what?
Angel: Then I'm going to share my feelings.
Fred: Who is that?
Gunn: Angel's ex-girlfriend.
Fred: The one that died?
Gunn: Yes. No, not that one. The other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
"Do ya'll got a chart or something?
Gunn: It's in the files. I'll show you later.
Pissed off Angel. Not healthy.
Cordelia: You would dare defy me?
Angelus: Defy who? A big scary voice? Whoa. Hey, I got one of those too. You wanna hear it? You can kiss my vampire ass. That do anything for you?
Angel. Everyone's favorite tortured, tall, dark and handsome cradle robbing creature of the night.
Okay, Angel. Can we say obsessive much?
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