Cultural programs, symposia, fora, basketball games, gymnastics and other activities with big audience are held at Nano Nagle Multi-Purpose Gym.

Students are expected to help the school canteen remain clean and orderly. They must observe proper table manners at all times and respect the property and rights of the canteen personnel. CLEAN AS YOU GO is expected from every student after using canteen tables for eating.

The Bethany House is located inside the premises of the college, beside the Nano Nagle Multi-Purpose Gym. It accomodates members of clubs/ organizations, recognized by the College, who hold live-in activities.

The DSDW takes charge of the following:

1. Lost and Found - lost and found objects should be reported immediately to the DSDW Office. Owners of lost and found objects must present proper identification before they can retrieve the object(s).

2. Bulletin Board - the DSDW Office facilities the posting of announcements/posters/notices of the departments and accredited organizations.