3.1 School Policy on Campus Clubs and Organizations

The Binalbagan Catholic College considers campus clubs and student organizations as an integral part of school life. They are considered as training grounds for social and civic life. It is, therefore, the policy of the College to encourage students to join recognized clubs and student organizations as a supplement to their formal education and as a vehicle for practical and meaningful experiences, greater productivity, and creative endeavors.

3.2 Rules Governing Campus Clubs and Organizations

The procedures for applying a permit/recognition to operate a campus club/student organization are as follow:

1. The proponents submit an application to the DSDW Office for non-academic clubs/organization and to their respective Department Dean for academic clubs/organization.

2. The proponents submit the Constitution and By-Laws covering the following items:
* Rationale
* Objectives
* Scope and coverage
* Membership
* Organization officers and standing committees
*Name of campus moderator(s)/adviser(s) who must be a faculty/staff member of BCC
* Meetings (Frequency and venue)
General organization and operational guidelines

3. The DSDW/Department Dean Will schedule a random interview whith the clubs/organization's officers and members.

4. The organization will undergo a one-month probationary period upon which it will be under observation by the DSDW/Department Dean upon whether it shows good behavior and sets programs that are beneficial to the school.

5. If all these procedures and requirements are met the student organization will be duly by the DSDW Office/Department

6. Student organizations which have already been granted a permit may be ordered to cease their operations, if in the opinion of the College, it is no longer serving the purpose for which it was initially granted a permit.

7. Permits take effect only a school year at a time. Renewals are not automatic. They must be applied for.

8. All clubs must submit to their respective dean the calendar of activities subject for the approval of the administrative team. A written letter (see appendix A) must be sent to the dean a week before the activity for proper coordination. A faculty/adviser conforme form (see Appendix B) should be attached to the letter.

3.3 Recognized Clubs

The following are recognized clubs and organizations of the school:

A. Academic Clubs
1. Computer Science Club (SCS)
2. Junior Accounting Technologist Club (Jatech)
3. Junior Philippines Institite of Accountants (JPIA)
4. Junior Executive Club (JEC)
5. Society of Young Financial Experts (SYFEX)

1. Communication Arts Club
2. Math and Science Club
3. Performing Arts Club
4. Proffesional Education Club
5. Social Science Club

B. Non-Academic Club
1. Nano Nagle Circle
2. Peer Facilitators
3. Student Catholic Action of the Philippines (SCAP)

3.4 Use of School Facilities

The request to use any physical facilities of the school must be approved by the Property Custodian upon the endrorsement of the Dean of Student Development and Welfare.

Each recognized club and organization shall reserve a classroom for meetings and other related activities each year. The organizations or club using the classroom shall have the following rights and responsibilities:

A. use the classroom as venue for any club-related meetings and activities;
B. arrange/return the chairs and other facilities in order;
C. report to the DSDW office for any damage to the facilities.

The Dean of Student Development and Welfare may cancel existing reservations for justifiable reason.