1.1 School ID Policy:

Each student is required to secure the official students ID card immediately after enrollment.

The school ID is a very important document that should be taken cared of properly. Hence, the following must be observed:

* The Id must be worn upon entering and at all times inside the campus. New students must apply for ID during enrolment at the DSDW Office.

* All ID must bear a validation sticker. Application for validation of school ID must be made immediately upon enrolment.

* All students, must wear the ID with the official cord of BCC.

* Tampering of the ID in any manner invalidates the ID card.

* The school ID in non-transferable. Lending of the ID card to others is strictly probihited and a ground for a disciplinary sanction.

* This ID is a requirement for all school transactions.

* Loss ID card should be immediately reported to the DSDW for necessary replacement. For security purposes, a student who losses his/her ID card is required to secure an affidavit of loss.

1.2 School Policy and Dress Code:

A. All students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform in the campus during week days except for Wednesday which is civilian day. Students must wear the prescribed uniform every time they enter the school premises whether they have classes or not on the designated uniform days. "To make research in the library" or similar excuses are not valid reasons for not wearing the uniform.

B. The prescribed uniform for FEMALE students is light blue blouse with scarf,navy blue pants (NOT jeans) or skirt (NOT above the knee), and closed black shoes with heels (at least one inch, no doll shoes), and for MALE students, light blue polo barong, plain white undershirt, black slacks and black shoes (no combination preferably leather, no rubber shoes). PE and NSTP uniforms should be wear only during PE or NSTP class.

C. Students who are not in proper uniform shall be refused entry in the campus except in cases approved by the DSDW, where a gate pass may be secured. Teachers should require a gate pass for students not in proper uniform.

4. The following students may be exempted from the School Uniform Policy subject to the following conditions set by the Office of the DSDW:

* Pregnant women (A marriage contract is required).

* REGULAR employees who are employed in offices that require an office uniform. A letter addressed to the Dean of SDW is required together with the certificate of employment is required before issuance of certificate of exemption for wearing of school uniform.

* Cross-enrollees from other schools are required to present student copy and ID from the other school to the DSDW for the issuance of gate pass.

5. Dress Code During Wednesday, Saturday and Non-class Days:

A. Students are allowed to wear civilian attire during Wednesday and Saturday classes provided that they adhere to the conventions or dictates of decency, implicity, modesty and propriety in dressing.

B. The following attires or clothes are NOT allowed inside the campus:

* Shorts/ short pants
* walking shorts/ cycling shorts
* purontong-style pr"cargo" shorts or pedals
* Mutilated pants
* tattered jeans
* jogging pants
* mini-skirt (mid-thigh length skirt)
* sleeveless shirt or blouse
* sandos or sando-type sleeveless shirts
* hanging shirt or mid-rib shirt
* plunging necklines
* halter tops slippers
* slippers, rubber/beach sandals
* legging/tights

(Note: Cross dressing is also NOT ALLOWED)

6. The following are NOT ALLOWED for MALE students:

* Colored/dyed hair, long hair, one that touches the eyebrows, the side of the ears and the back of the neck
* Women's shoes and/ or footwear
* Ladie's attire/clothes
* Ladie's hair accessories
* facial Cosmetics
* Body piercing (e.g. earings, nose rings, etc.)

(Female students are NOT ALLOWED to have colored hair).

7. Students are required to sport a neat haircut or hairdo.

8. Wearing of caps, hats,"bandanas" sunglasses or shades inside the classrooms are strictly probihited.

9. Prudence demands that students avoid going to places or houses of questionable repute especially when they are in their school uniform.

The student's liability is not confined to the items in Sec. 1.2. The College through the Office of the Dean of Student Welfare reserves the right to assess the propriety of student's attire, grooming and/or decorum based on the generally accepted norms and conduct expected of disciplined individuals.

Violation of the policy subjects the erring student to disciplinary action.