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UZBEKISTAN - land of vast deserts, dry plants, fertile valleys, and snowcapped mountains - lies in central Asia along ancient trade routes between southern Europe and eastern Asia. During its long history, the country has been conquered many times. One group of invaders brought the Islamic religion, which remains a cornerstone of Uzbek life.
Uzbeks traditionally have made their living from herding and farming. The Russian Empire absorbed Uzbekistan in the 19th century and established vast cotton plantations. The Soviet Union took over the region in 1918 and expanded the cotton industry. Although cotton growing has caused severe environmental damage, the crop remains an important part of Uzbekistan's economy.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, Uzbekistan declared its independence. Some Uzbeks are calling for closer observance of the laws of Islam
, while other groups seek political reform. Economic ties with nations in central Asia and the Middle East may also help Uzbekistan to develop its industries and resources.

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