Visiting With The Girls
Mist page 2
Mist (Alexandria Mist), aka Ms.ME!, was born in October 1997.  In December of 1999, she was donated to the Dancing Greyhounds by GPA-Central Florida. Greyhound number eight. She was fostered for a week by Dennis and Claire Tyler; not one they are likely to forget.  For as long as she lived, she could not bear to see Dennis without frantically trying to climb into his arms.  She was the small (54 lbs) black one who did a fine Leap Frog, dog steal, all retrieving acts and took over the World's Record Live Greyhound Jump after Chey.

Mist was the family rocket scientist with an IQ well into the genius level.  (Not that sitting is any indication of intelligence, but she learned the sit in three days, the down in one session and retrieving in one week.)  She did an amazing (for a Greyhound) imitation of a "Border Collie stare." Although fun loving and playful, she has a serious and thoughtful side to her.  It was very important to her to figure out what Kathleen wanted before Kathleen did.

Ms.ME!, who thought quite highly of her self and her abilities, had a breath-taking ball-catching photo in Michael Maguire�s article, published in Great Britain and reprinted in Australia.

For two years, Mist showed a rising WBC that no antibiotic would touch. The reason became apparent in 2009. She lived a good life and left the same way.
The Dancing Greyhounds are a non-political entity!  As such, they can only accept invitations from pro or neutral groups.
Copyright � 1999-2009: Gilleys ' Dancing Greyhounds
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