Before and After Pictures of Ben's one (and only?) Gambian Haircut
Here I get a trim to tide me over from my future mother-in-law.  As you can see, we're off to a great start already!
Then Kate decided she should help out and keep things under control.  As usual, I'm a pillar of calm.  Good practice for wedding planning, I figure. 
OK, so these pictures don't convery quite how hot and hairy I was feeling.  And no, this isn't a line-up organised by the Gambian Police Department.  This is 2+ months of growth, minus the bit Kate and her mom trimmed off 3 weeks earlier.
OK, the priceless pictures everyone's been waiting for!  Haven't had one of these since my mother used to cut my hair (about 24 years ago - Mom, Kate, Mrs. Holdsworth, don't get any big ideas!).  Could have been worse.  And at least I now look more like an international volunteer and less like a tourist.  At the rate my hair grows in this heat, you'll be hard pressed to tell I had a crew cut by the time I get back to the West in July.

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