Photos from our vacation in Senegal (Mid-May) on Isle Goree
Here we are on Isle Goree.  Behind us is the door of No Return at the Slave Museum, through which slaves where loaded onto ships bound for the New World.  Poignant and moving place.
Here Ben is greeted by one of his favorite animals of West Africa - the humble donkey.  Despite being so comon, there is very little sign of them in the art.  The exact opposite is true of the elephant, which is prolific in the art, but virtually extinct here. This fine donkey carriers provisions around the island, as there are no cars.  He also brays very loudly on occasion.  His patron saint watches over him.  The small child, was either feeding him or tormenting him - or perhaps a bit of both.
There are several simple but interesting museums on the island, as well as a wonderful restaurant, Masion de Monsieur de Bouflers (named after the old French Governor - and boy can they cook!).   We didn't have whale (obviously), but lovely sea food.  We didn't learn much more about this whale, but its pretty impressive!
Here Kate shows our newest purchase - a collage painting typical of the island and representative of local life.  Luckily, with the frame off, it rolls up, making it somewhat easier to carry about!
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