Monday, Feb 18, 2002

Kate got us VIP tickets to the 37th anniversary of the Gambia's Independence from Great Britain.  We were sitting in the main section of the National Stadium, on individual chairs, under a sun shade (after 10 pm, when the sun was high enough in the sky to be blocked.  We got there about 9:30 AM, and left about 2 pm.  For Gambia, it started remarkably on time - only about 30 minutes late.  For most of those there, however, this was a long time to be in the sun, and many fainted and had to be carried off by the Red Cross

To read what the Observer had to say, click here.

The President of Senegal visited and participated, along with the President of the Gambia.  In the photos below, President Jammeh of the Gambia is in white, and the Senegalese President is dressed in blue.

First there was a parade of arriving dignitaries, including the female vice president, all in humongous SUVs.  Then the 2 presidents arrived in their motor-cade.

Next there was a review of the military units of the Gambia - the army is only 1000 strong, so we saw representatives from the police force, immigration service, prison guards, and fire departments as well.  They did several different marches around the stadium while various military bands played.  They ended by firing a salute.  The review concluded with the Gambia's one jet fighter flying by the stadium - definitely the crowd's favorite!

Next representatives from about 70 local schools and voluntary societies marched by.

Finally, President Jammeh delivered his annual speech on Independence day.  See the
Observer (above) for a synopsis (the accoustics were poor).We met the Army PR officer acting as MC during the first half of the event, so we now have a friend in the Gambian Army who's promised to show us around.  You can also see how colorful the other VIPs dressed.

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Kate and Ben attend Independence Day celebrations, Monday February 18, 2002
Kate called up and got us VIP tickets from the President's protocol office, so we had excellent seats for the national celebration.  It was held at the national stadium, just down the road from us.  Luckily we were sitting in the shade, unlike most of the participants, so we stayed relatively cool during the 5 hours it lasted.  After the arrival of the dignitaries, ending with the entrance of the President of the Gambia and the President of Senegal, there was a military review, a review of school children and volunteers, and a speech by the President of the Gambia.  Below are some pictures from all of these, as well as a flavor of what the crowds looked like.  The biggest hit was the fly-by of the Gambia's one military jet -  the kids thought this was marvelous.  We were unaware that the Gambia had a pilot in the air force to fly their plane...

The military knows how to march, and sure coped with the heat.  They went round three times at least, to the tune of several bands.  Here the military includes the army, the police, the prison service (some of our neighbors), and the immigration service.  They even had a corps of marching women police officers.

Read what the official press had to say about the day
The arrival of the 2 presidents into the stadium.  Note the motorcade (best cycles in the Gambia by far) and US style secret service in suits running alongside.
President Jammeh of the Gambia is in white, the visiting President of Senegal is in Blue.
The various services of the armed forces march for the review of the citizens and of the 2 presidents. 
Here are our fellow VIPS - if you look hard, you can see me at the very top centre (Kate was the photographer).  Fairly typical dress of the upper to upper middle class.  Everyone was very polite to us and thrilled that we were in attendance.  Sitting next to us was the MC for the first part of the day, and the Militarry's PR officer.  So we now have a new friend in the Army!
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