My Education

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Education is the power to change the world . without education , we can not guarantee what will happen to our future.

My name is Sari Kartini. here , i would like to give you about my Education. when i was in kindegarden , i went to SD Negeri 2 in Baturaja , South Sumatera. Ya , you know , what a childly i am in that time. My Junior high school tie was SMP Negeri 2 OKU. In this time , i started to improve my Education by became first rank in the class during 6 semesters. And then , four times that i got general rank in the junior high school.

Beause of my achievment, i was brave to apply to became one of the luckly student of SMAN Sumatera Selatan. The best senior high school in south sumatera that has good facilities. There are 2 curiculums .One is KTSP and IGCCSE (international curriculum). This school is for disadventege student but they hae better knowladge even they are come from family that i have mentioned before. so this school provides scholarship for its student.

i think that's all .

Thank you.