Margaret Towner - Jira
Margaret Towner

Margaret Towner

Ms. Towner was kind enough to answer a few questions for me about her experiences playing Jira. Thank you, Ms. Towner!

How did you find out about the role of Jira in "Star Wars"?
I auditioned with a large number of other actresses.

Did you try out for any other characters?

How long did you spend filming?
One week, in a beautiful hotel inm the Sahara desert - swimming

Do you have any memories of your time on the set that you'd like to share?
Yes, we had a mighty storm which destroyed the whole set.

What is your next project? What else would you like for your fans to know about you?
I have just had my 80th birthday, so I am slowing down. Look for Clive Francis, my son. Opening tonight in "Entertaining Mr. Sloan" a play by Jo Orton, written in the 60s. Jo Orton was murdered by his lover, who then committed suicide. Ruined a great talent.

Source: Margaret Towner

Ms. Towner's character, Jira, was supposed to have appeared in another scene in The Phantom Menace:

Exterior: Mos Espa - Street - Fruit Stand - Day
ANAKIN and QUI-GON exit WATTO'S and stop before JIRA'S fruit stand.
ANAKIN hands JIRA some coins.
ANAKIN: I've been freed, and I'm going away. Buy yourself a cooling unit with this... Otherwise I'll worry about you.
JIRA is astonished. She stares, not knowing what to say.
JIRA: Can I give you a hug
She gives him a hug.
JIRA: I'll miss you, Annie.. there isn't a kinder boy in the galaxy. You be careful...
ANAKIN runs to join QUI-GON, who has already started down the street. As they walk along together, QUI-GON notices something out of the corner of his eye.Suddenly, without breaking his stride, he ignites his laser sword, swing around, and lunges forward and cuts a lurking PROBE DROID in half. QUI-GON inspects the sparking and fizzing DROID.
ANAKIN: What is it?
QUI-GON: Probe droid. Very unusual... not like anything I've seen before. Come on.
QUI-GON and ANAKIN start running.



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