Keira Knightley
Keira Knightley
Sabé / Queen's Double

Keira Knightley

Robin Gurland, casting director, on choosing Ms. Knightley for the role:
"One of the hardest roles to cast was that of Sab�, the handmaiden that fills in for the Queen when she is in hiding. Orignially we were going to use a stand-in, but that was before we found a girl by the name of Keira Knightley. She was only fourteen at the time of principle photography, two years younger than Natalie Portman but nevertheless the resemblance is striking. I wouldn't be surprised if she fools quite a few of the fans."

Time spent in the studio: Unknown

Other actors considered for the role: Unknown

Other Star Wars characters played: None

Source: Star Wars Insider


"dedicated to introducing and unmasking the talent of a beautiful, young British actress: Keira Knightley"


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