Denis Lawson - Wedge Antilles
Denis Lawson
Wedge Antilles

On playing Wedge:
"It was an accident, really. Way back at the beginning, I went to see George Lucas when he first came to London for 'Star Wars'. I met him months before they started, and he didn't ask me to do the picture at all. But the actor whom he had employed to play Wedge didn't work out for some reason. I returned from doing a film in France, and I was in the country, about a two-hour's drive from London. My agent called, saying, 'Look. They're sending you a script for this film. Could you start on Monday?' They sent the script, and I had to drive six or seven miles to the railway station to pick it up. Basically, I just went in and did the movie. I didn't think much of it at the time."

Time spent in the studio:
"It all goes pretty quickly. It's done within a fortnight. Or, I might do three or four days, and then come back a couple weeks later. In any event, you're talking about just a few days' work. What happened was that, for both films (Star Wars and Jedi, when his scenes were filmed in the studio), I was able to work around their schedules. Usually, they can give you quite a bit of leeway in terms of *when* you can come in to shoot. It's something they can pick up very easily."

Other actors considered for the role: Name unknown

Other Star Wars characters played: None

Source: Starlog #93, April 1985 - Denis Lawson - Surviving "Star Wars"


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