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Well, given that time has gone by, it was time to fix this section up a bit, (where's the gratitude if you thank your friends with a shameful page if you can do better... I think...^_^;), also, there was a slight increase in the amount of people, online and (oh dear...) offline. The offliners being all the close friends I here in Chile - not that they are many anyway, thank Murphy! - who helped me in some way or other to do my page, congratulated me for it and then raised a quizzical eyebrow at their noticeable absence in this section. Well guys, you're in now, further complaints will have to be addressed to our Lord Murphy, cause it means the computer glitch fairy erased you! And to my dear friends online... well, this is my way of huggling and snuggling you back for your support, friendship, your nagging and a place to pamper you all a bit. Keeping this page and prancing around the net wouldn't be even half as much fun as it is because you're all in it! So, once again, and in NO particular order...

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Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesLovely and funny Polluxie, whose frienship and craziness mean the world to me! (who also kindly donated the feline guardian angel that watches my sleep, meyow! *hugggles*) I don't know what would have become of me without you, thanks for backing me up and seeing the world as weirdly as I do. You know you'll always have a reserved space in my heart. And since I don't think I'll have the time to repay all you've done for me, I'll just have to hang around and nag you for the rest of your life. ^.~

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesMomma Lisa, my second online mother, though she is by far the most twisted one. *giggles* For her wonderful mind, her incredible talent but most of all, for being exactly who and how she is. Lissie, you are too good in your own special ways; few people can understand what you and I take for granted, so bear with me. There are lots of prudes to pervert out there! HO HO HO! I luv ya girl!

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesCygny, my first and absolutely wonderful online mommy! My fellow sagittarius, who was born exactly ten years before me, on the same date. That's probably why we get on so well, lol! You'll always be my mommy, even if I have to share you with the entire net and the evil-overlord-in-the-making. People as sweet as you deserve the best in the world. *snuggles*

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesThe all time ruler of Asgard, Torquemada! My comrade in arms in the crusade to institute cheerful-goth's superiority, and the maddest most loveably scary person I know on and offline! You're the best Torque, even if I still put to question the worth of your fave chara (yeah, I know it's mutual! *toffeehugsqueeeeeze*) Even if I take aeons to reply to your mails, thinking of you always brings a smile to my face! (even if it is a rather grinch-stole-xmas-like grin...^_^;)

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesThe crazy and war-loving Derrewyn, whose stories and general madness have made me laugh and cry, and go O______o from time to time. My fellow world conqueror, with whom I managed to break free of the ACME lab... he he he... You're amazing Derre-chan, and a wonderful person (even if a little close to getting a straight-jacket... but aren't we all?) I can only hope I get time to nag you more! Passion be with you girl! luv ya lots too!

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesAll those lovely and tender (and twisted and absolutely mad) people at the Chocolate factory that lies in the internet twilight zone, especially Majo, Xtina and Vere-chan, who are all wonderful people and whose ideas and hopes and thoughts are bound to make you smile (and laugh, and faint and go O____O;;;;;) You're all great guys! (I just wish I had more time to answer back to everyone's mails... �_� I need to get rid of my life. LOL!)

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesSeiiruika, my online Big Sis who takes care of me and whose mails and supports got me through some of the worst times of my life. I luv ya to death Seii-chan, even if I tend to be a little absent. You're the best Big Sis one could hope for, and I'll never stop thanking you for that! Best wishes to you forever! (meaning: May Hyoga do a strip show for you on your Bday!)

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesMy good friend Aurea, talented as hell and just as mentally unstable as me. You're too amazing for anyone to think otherwise, so lift your head and smile girl, there's a BIG sunny spot for you somewhere out there, I'll huggle you while you find it. Be MAD forever! *kiss kiss* Never change, you hear me? I WILL take revenge; your friendship is too special to me! (even if I STILL take years to reply to you)

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesThe scariest Spanish-teacher to be I know: Knita! You know, I don't know what I'm gonna do when I no longer have projects to do with you so... tell you this, I'll drive my side of Letras crazy in the years to come, you can do the same on your side and we'll meet up and laugh about it in Pedagog�a. You're the best kind of friend I could hope to have, and so delightfully twisted...^.~ Luv ya K-chan! I'd have died without you last year!

Thanx03.gif - 344 Bytes My offline anime-mamma, Vivi! Sure, the way things are going we rarely have time to get together, but you'll always have a room open if you want to come in. I hope you get to finish that webpage of yours someday, and that you become the world's most famous comic artist...(so I can sell the pics you've given me and make a fortune...^_^)Be a good girl Mei-chan, the world needs you! *hugsqueeze*

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesMy first mail-friend ever, Romain "Milo" Baudry, cause he backed me up, cause he made me laugh my head off so many times, cause he understood what I said and he still hangs around, even if he's too bloody busy to write back, just like me. Guess we'll never get a chance to talk at this rate. LOL! *toffeesnuggles*

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesMany thanks to Nemal Xein for his constant nagging, for being such a good friend (even if I suck in that very same department) and for always trying to help me and make me believe I can do things. Pity you're devoted your life to maths, that's a path I'll run away from every chance I get. I luv ya Ne-chan, even if it really doesn't show at all. *sweatdrops*

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesWebmistress Stayka, for her funny thoughts, her backup and the fact that she hosted me on her page as kindly as she did. Noticeably absent of the late, I can only hope you're doing fine! *hugz*

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesTo the love of my life, my boyfriend, mister XXXX (I AM going to write down your name here someday!) For loving me as I love him and for (where this made Lair is concerned) convincing me to try and learn to use html script... I STILL think it's harder than you originally said, but...*shrugs* Whatever, you're the computer GOD after all. I'm just the girl who tries not to make electric things blow up. I love you! *smooooch*

Thanx04.gif - 1335 BytesMister Luke Hsieh (hey, I spelled it right! O____o) Who has shared many a sleepless nights laughing with me, elaborating on absolutely preposterous theories and prooving to me that there's always something wonderful to be found where you least expect it. You are a special thingy Luke! (You even taught me how to use a weep! *snicker*)

Thanx03.gif - 344 BytesI would also like to give a special thankyou mention to all those anti-yaoi activists out there, for proving to me time and time again that there's a difference between someone giving a fundamented opinion, and a close-minded fanatic with no respect for other people than him/herself. I'll pray that someday they can actually see this too and realise that as long as they insist on being the way they are now, their opinion is worth less than nothing.

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Well, there it was, my message to all the people who in some way or another have helped and inspired me with my writings as well as this page. Not everyone is in here, just those who took part in bashing my head in every time I wondered if I should go on at all. I'm pretty certain most of the people here will probably not notice I put them here, though I whish they all see it at some point. This is my way of expressing something that I try to tell them all the time anyway, even if words fail me now and then. Thanks guys, to every one of you.

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