The Ka ee-she ee-ta-nee-wuk ("Where People Stay") homeless shelter
became a reality in Kapuskasing in May 2002.

The homeless shelter initiative was a project made possible by the Federal Government and the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres. Twelves locations throughout the province of Ontario were selected to address Aboriginal Homelessness; Kapuskasing was one of these locations. The shelter is administered by the Kapuskasing Indian Friendship Centre under the direction of the Board of Directors and the Acting Executive Director.

Homelessness is an unfortunate predicament that any person might find themselves in and thus, the 'Ka ee-she ee-ta-nee-wuk' homeless shelter has adopted a policy where by its doors are open to all colours of humanity. The shelter is a very cozy environment with all the comforts of home, to help people in their time of need.

22 Riverside Drive
Kapuskasing, ON
P5N 1A3
Telephone: (705) 335-2114

For any questions or further information, contact (after hours) :

Peter Sackaney at (705) 335-9056
James Timmins at (705) 335-4783

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