Computer mail: kandathil gmail com, kandathil protonmail com.
- `Gödel's theorem', Aug. 1999.
- `The average case analysis of Partition sorts', with Richard J. Cole. European symposium on Algorithms, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 14-17 Sep. 2004. (Postscript, PDF, BibTeX)
- `A study of the higher Arithmetic and Geometry'.
- Carl Friedrich Gauss {Carolus Fridericus Gauss / കാര്ള് ഫ്രീഡ്രിഷ് ഗൌസ്സ് / कार्ल् फ्रीड्रिष् गौस्स्}: `Dedicatio et Præfatio Disquisitiones Arithmeticæ' {Dedication of and Preface to the Disquisitions on Arithmetic}, Jul. 1801.
- Idem: `On the foundations of Mathematics'.
- Kurt Friedrich Gödel {Curtius Fridericus Gödel / കുര്ട് ഫ്രീഡ്രിഷ് ഗേഡല് / कुर्ट् फ्रीड्रिष् गेडल्}: `The modern development of the foundations of Mathematics in the light of Philosophy', 1961.
- Idem: `My Philosophical viewpoint', c. 1960.
- Idem: `Statement on Infinitesimal calculus', Mar. 1973.
- George Green {ജോര്ജ്ജ് ഗ്രീന് / जोर्ज्ज् ग्रीन्}: `An essay on the application of Mathematical Analysis to the theories of Electricity and Magnetism', Nottingham, 1828.
- G. F. Bernhard Riemann [Georg Friedrich] {ജി. എഫ്. ബെര്ണ്ഹാര്ഡ് റീമാന്ന് [ഗ്യോര്ഗ് ഫ്രീഡ്രിഷ്] / जि. एफ्. बेर्ण्हार्ड् रीमान्न् [ग्योर्ग् फ्रीड्रिष्]}: `Über die hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu grunde liegen' {On the hypotheses which lie at the bases of Geometry}, Venia legendi lecture, University of Göttingen, Kingdom of Hanover, 10 Jun. 1854.
- Idem: `Über die anzahl der primzahlen unter einer gegebenen grösse' {On the number of prime numbers less than a given magnitude}, Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Nov. 1859. Tables of zeros of the Riemann Zeta function [A. M. Odłyżko, Arnold Schönhage, 1988; X. Gourdon, P. Demichel, 2004].
- James Clerk Maxwell {ജെയിംസ് ക്ലാര്ക്ക് മാക്സ്വെല് / जेयिंस् क्लार्क्क् माक्स्वेल्}: `On Faraday's lines of force', Feb. 1856; `On physical lines of force', Mar. 1861; `A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field', 1865.
- Idem: `Illustrations of the dynamical theory of gases', Sep. 1859: I, II; `On the dynamical theory of gases', May 1866.
- Edmund T. Whittaker [Taylor] {എഡ്മണ്ഡ് റ്റി. വിറ്റ്റ്റേക്കര് [റ്റേയ്ലര്] / एड्मण्ड् टि. विट्टेक्कर् [टेय्लर्]}: `Mathematics and logic', 1955.
- Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 6th Reichsfürst {Prince of the Holy Roman Empire} de Broglie {പരിശുദ്ധ റോമാ സാമ്രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ രാജകുമാരന് ലൂയീ-വിക്ടര്-പിയര്-റെയ്മണ്ട് ഡി ബ്രോയ് / लूयी-विक्टर्-पियर्-रेय्मण्ट् डि ब्रोय्}: `Recherches sur la théorie des quanta' {Researches on the theory of quanta}, Thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of Paris, Paris, France, 25 Nov. 1924; Published: Annales de Physique, 10th series, III, Jan. - Feb. 1925, pp. 22-128; Second edition, Masson & Cie, Paris, France, 1963; Reprinted: Fondation Louis de Broglie, Paris, France, 1992.
- Stepan P. Timoshenko [Prokopovich] {Степан П. Тимошенко [Прокопович] / സ്റ്റെപ്പാന് പി. റ്റീമോഷെങ്കോ [പ്രൊക്കോപ്പോവിച്ച്] / स्टेप्पान् पि. टीमोषेंको [प्रोक्कोप्पोविच्च्]}: `Preface to Engineering mechanics', 1956.
- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn [Isayevich]: `Live not by lies!', 12 Feb. 1974.
- Idem: `A World split apart', 8 Jun. 1978.
- Fr. George Thalian: `The Great Archbishop Augustine W. Kandathil, D. D.: the outline of a vocation', 10 Jan. 1961. Appended with `An essay on Archbishop Kandathil, written in the form of notes on Fr. Thalian's writing', 10 Jan. 2006.
अग्रतः चतुरो वेदाः पृष्ठतः सशरं धनुः।
इदं ब्राह्मं इदं क्षात्रं शापादपि शरादपि॥
Plus ultra.
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