also spelled Kandahar (pop. 191,345), is the second largest city of Afghanistan. Only Kabul, the capital, is larger. Qandahar lies in southern Afghanistan.
The old section of Qandahar includes many ancient buildings and bazaars. The city also has modern sections. Qandahar serves as the center of an important trade route between India, Iran, Pakistan, and Kabul. It also processes and exports fruits grown in the area.

Qandahar existed as early as 1000 B.C. It became the capital of an Afghan empire in A.D. 1747. Ahmad Shah Durrani, the founder of the empire, built the modern city of Qandahar in 1761. Kabul replaced Qandahar as the capital in 1776.

Centre of Qandahar


Important places of Qandahar

Speen Buldak, Shege, Daman, Dand, Arghestan, Maarof, Khakriz, Ghorak, Nesh, Arghand-ab, Pangwaye, Shorabak and Shah-wali-Kot

Map of Qandahar

Population of Qandahar


Qandahar"s area

47,676 SqKm.
Qandahar, �KAN duh hahr,
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