Pakistan, 4-11 Feb 2001.

The Pakistan trip was a business trip sponsored by my employer, National Energy Corp, Malaysia.
Our (myself and my colleague, Azrol) job was to study the network and IT infrastructure of our subsidiary (Liberty Power) in Pakistan.

Initially, we were a bit reluctant to receive this assignment as there was a massive earthquake which just took place in northwestern region of India, somewhere close to Pakistan-India border. But after some assurance from our managers, we took off on Feb 4 via MAS, arriving in Karachi first before our transit to Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. Coincidentally, the ambassador of Malaysia to Pakistan was in the same flight with us.

We arrived at Karachi in late evening. Transit waiting time was 2 hours. And when we reached Islamabad, it was already late at night.
We checked into Holiday Inn, a 4 star hotel.

We stayed in Islamabad for 4 nights. We worked in the main office in the morning, and at night we went shopping.
Things are pretty cheap in Islamabad. We bought carpet and some onyx stones which were carved into goblet. My colleague bought silk and gold too. We were lucky that our company manager in Islamabad was kind enough to bring us to shops which give good price and high quality goods.

On the fifth day we boarded a domestic flight to fly to our power plant located at Mirpur, Sindh province.
From the airport to the power plant, it was a 2 hours drive. The company has arranged a company driver to meet us at the airport.

Along the way, we saw villages, rivers, deserts and people. The environment is mostly dusty and run down. Not much of trees, not much of grass, even the rivers are dirty and half dried. This is my first experience of seeing such thing. Before this trip, my travel destinations were all well-to-do countries.

The power plant is not a very big complex. It
is a 235 MW (ISO rating) gas fired combined cycle Power Plant and is currently supplying electricity to the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA).

We spent 2 nights there. There is nothing much to do in that place. Very remote. There is cafeteria and a TV lounge with snooker table, table tennis table and etc.

We flew home on the 10th, but reached KL only on the 11th. It was quite a tiring journey, from Mirpur to Karachi by PIA, then by SIA to Lahore (transit), then to Singapore, then boarded MAS's plane to KL.

We didn't visit any tourist attraction there, this is not a VACATION, for god sake !!!! *&@#%$!?@ad32!~*..........

In a way, Islamabad residents are among the richest in the country. On our first visit to Pakistan, we were actually seeing the rich first, then on our journey to the south (power plant location), we see the real pakistan. Most people are poor and earn less than US $1 per day.

Fyi, I am no longer working for this company.

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