Through an Open Mind

By Kali Gargoyle


I sing to me and all I am,
I am one with tthe sea; I am one with the land.
Come see what I see
And be one with me.

I can travel this world in the blink of an eye.
I've seen things that would make you cry.
Go out farther, and farther still
Go as far as carried by will.

There is nothing out there but shades of black,
Where peace resides and troubles you lack.
Come with me and have some fun
And a peace of mind that we share as one.

Where are we now? you ask,
Unaware that this is the past.
Not where, I say, but when.
This is where our lives began.

You looked perplexed; it's understandable,
For you have not embraced the fable
That is the Truth of our existance,
Life is the Universal dance.

Time, like all things, moves in a circle,
It moves fluidly in an endless cycle.
It ebbs and flows, comes and goes
And like all things has highs and lows
It must keep going, must never slow.
How it works? I say, Who knows?

The wind send whispers through the trees
Feel the body tire; the spirit set free.
To experience nature in a whole new way
As one with all that is night and day.

Feel the energy flow through the Earth
Through you, and I, and all that's worth
The time for you and I to experience in this life.
But you feel this if, and only if
You open your mind to possibilities never before
Realized, but you know the truth deep in your core.

This journey ends, but you're wrong, I say,
This journey is life, which ends like the day.
The darkness comes, it passes over and night begins,
But we all know that life will dawn again and again.


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