Boredom Fighters!

By Kali Gargoyle

I don't own the Turtles! I just think they're cool. I'm not making any money off this and I'm not here to make waves. I'll just sit in my rowboat. : P


I am bored. I can’t think of anything to write. Or draw. Or think. The whole world is dark.

"Maybe if you took that book off your head."

Shut up, Raphael. I’m thinking. You’re disturbing my creative process.

"I’m gonna snatch it right off your face!"

Hey! Gimmie that back. I hope you get a papercut!

"If I do, will you kiss it and make it better?"

You wish.

"I think that’s yours, writer girl."

Shut up.

"How original."

Hissssssss. Go away.

"Fine, I’m gone. But I’ll be back!"

Can I at least have my magazine back? Raphael?


"I brought you Tootsie Rolls."

Donnie, you’re the best!


Be gone, Raphael!

Don, please give me the chocolate.

"Here. I know better than to get between you and your chocolate."

Smart boy. Love the bandanna, by the way.

"Do you really? It’s new."

Tell me, do you have an invention that cures boredom?

"Sorry, no. But I’m sure I could come up with something."

Wait Donnie! He’s gone. Damn.

"You sure like that word, don’t you?"

Yeah Leo, I do. So, what’re you up to?

"Not much…Is that the Turtle Tunes video?"

I pulled the songs off the web. A Turtles Christmas, Themesongs to both shows, and Concert songs too! One hour of Turtle songs!

"You have too much time on your hands."

You’re telling me! It took me two days, spread over two weeks to record a one hour tape! One tape player wouldn’t record, the other wouldn’t erase, so I had to use both, and the songs kept skipping, so I’d have to record some three times or more!

"Wow. Why?"

I thought the songs were cute. And they cheer me up. Especially on those Monday morning commutes to work. I cannot possible be depressed when you guy’s are singing ‘Leonardo had a rowboat’!

"Please don’t remind me."

Ha ha. Well, do you have any suggestions for my boredom?



Hey, Mikey. What’s up?

"Not you’re mood, that’s for sure! I’m telling you to write. It always helps me."

I can’t think. I need chocolate. Where'd those Tootsie Rolls go?

"Here you go, don’t take my hand with it."


"I know! Write about us. We’re exciting. Better than those stupid statues."

Are you dis’n my Gargs?

"No ma’am. I know, I’ll write it for you!"

Won’t that defeat the purpose?

"Spoil sport."

Where’s my magazine?

"Here you go."

Ow! Raph, why’d you hit me?


Good reason. One of my favorites.

Raph. Come here.

"No. Not till you trim those claws, kitty cat."

How ‘bout I use your shell as a scratching post.

"You’re such a freak!"

Thank you. But look who’s talking. I guess coming from you that would be a real compliment.

"It wasn’t a compliment!"

Too bad, cause I’m taking it as one.

"He’s right though. You are a freak."

And damn proud of it, Donnie!

"There’s that word again."

Oh, Leo, just drop it.

"Hey, Jess…er, I mean, Kali! You could type out some of these!"

Mike! Where the Hell’d you get that?

"Under your bed. Funny, I never figured you’d be into this stuff."

Gimmie that! Or I’ll put on N’Sync!

"You wouldn’t!"

Try me.

*snicker* "You have an N’Sync CD?"

Shut the Hell up Raphael!

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