1sentence challenge by Kali Gargoyle. Still breaking the rules, but at least there are no OCs this time.

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Pretty much all of them.
Theme set: Delta
Rating: G to PG-13, with warnings for slash/femslash, crack pairings, and one implied potential incest (the theme called for it.)

Every one of these sentences has a different pairing. I use, at most, one name, though plenty of titles for you to use to guess who they’re about. The answers are there, after the number and theme, but in white, so you have to highlight to read them. See how many you get right!

#01 – Air Katara/Aang

Just as Katara stepped out of the pond, she heard the softest of whistles and a cool breeze caressed her skin, causing her to shiver (not unpleasantly.)

#02 – Apples Zuko/Toph

After he fell for the third time, Toph just shook her head and stomped her heel into the ground, bringing a dozen ripe red fruits down onto his skull, "Man, are you pathetic, I grew up in luxury, too, but at least I can pick apples properly."

#03 – Beginning Sokka/Suki

Sokka watched carefully as she moved through the sequence, slow and deliberate, gliding along, until she came to the end and nodded at him, "Now, you try."

#04 – Bugs Momo/Appa

It was a relationship that served them both well, he got groomed and the lemur got a snack, besides, no one else could get those pesky biters that hid so deep in his coat.

#05 – Coffee Azula/Jun

Jun leaned back and took a swig of her drink, "For that much money, I’ll do whatever you say," which she instantly regretted when she caught the look on the princess’ face over the rim of her mug.

#06 – Dark Azula/Jet

"Now tell me," the voice broke through Jet’s unconsciousness and he slowly opened his eyes, realizing that he’d been bested by a single Fire Nation girl, and the cold voice continued, "do you want to live?"

#07 – Despair Mai/Zuko

The ship became smaller and smaller as it was escorted out of Fire Nation waters, until it completely disappeared over the horizon, and she wondered if he was looking back for her, too.

#08 – Doors Zuko/Jun

"This was barely worth it," the bounty hunter said through gritted teeth, "and once I walk out of here with my money, I never intend to see you again, so don’t bother to even think about calling on my services again, Angry Boy."

#09 – Drink Iroh/Jun

The dark woman crossed her arms and scowled, but the retired general just smiled, "Just one cup of tea, while you wait for your payment, it’s Ginseng."

#10 – Duty Hahn/Yue

She’d been told the marriage had been arranged before she found out to whom, and she thought it wouldn’t matter, that her duty to her people was worth it... until he smiled in her direction and she’d had to quickly excuse herself before she lost control of her lunch.

#11 – Earth Haru/Toph

Haru couldn’t help but notice how unique her style was, how unusually graceful it was for earthbending, and he was going to tell her so right after he dug himself out.

#12 – End Mai/Ty Lee

She took her friend’s hand gently, avoiding the place where her stiletto launcher had melted to her skin, and kissed her cold lips briefly before joining her.

#13 – Fall Aang/Sokka

He hated freefall, and he felt it far too often for his liking, but he knew he had people he could count on, and found himself smiling when his rescuer laughed, "Make sure you hold on tight."

#14 – Fire Aang/Azula

He’d heard stories about benders who could create blue fire, but he’d never met one before, and even as the powerful flames brushed against his skin, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the style was.

#15 – Flexible Sokka/Ty Lee

Sokka stumbled back, reeling from the kick that shouldn’t have been able to connect from that position, and maybe it was the hit that caused him to stare dumbly as she brought her legs down from over her head and flipped herself back to her feet, ready to attack again.

#16 – Flying Jet/Katara

Katara felt the rush of soaring upwards, dismissing the breathtaking scenery for the vision holding her close.

#17 – Food Sokka/Zuko

Sokka shook his head as the firebender prince pulled himself to his feet, smiling at the sight of the miniscule guppy as well as the water dripping down his sculpted arms, "You really aren’t good at this, are you?"

#18 – Foot Sokka/Toph

"Look, I said I was sorry," Sokka apologized when his dance partner once again yelled at him, threatening to stomp on his face if he smashed her toes again.

#19 – Grave Oma/Shu

She leaned over the marker, overcome with grief until the feeling was replaced with intense anger, but she refused the self-indulgence of revenge, refused to become that which had taken her love.

#20 – Green Haru/Song

When he walked into the hospital, the first thing she noticed were his eyes, such a bright, warm shade of green, and she smiled as he tried to put on a strong front while she tended to his injuries.

#21 – Head Cabbageman/cabbage

It was perfect, a perfect green sphere, and he scrutinized it closely before placing the vegetable among its brothers, so that they’d sit together in harmony, a true beauty to behold.

#22 – Hollow Sokka/Mai

As they stood off, Sokka stared into her eyes, which usually revealed the emotional state, if not the next move of his opponent, but this girl was different, there was nothing behind her eyes, and that struck him as scarier than almost anything he’d encountered.

#23 – Honor Zhao/Zuko

He had several reasons for trying to beat Zuko to the Avatar; one was personal advancement, but there was also the pleasure of knowing how much the boy would suffer from the loss, and that he had so much control over the prince’s future.

#24 – Hope Zuko/Song

She slumped back against the door in disappointment, she had so wished to help him, because surely if a boy like that could find hope again, it should be easy for her.

#25 – Light Sokka/Yue

As he stood in the pale blue light, Sokka wondered, if he really rejected all spiritual matters in favor of science, would that mean he’d lose her again?

#26 – Lost Chong/Lily

"What makes you think we’re lost, I know where I am, next to you, which is where I want to be, so we’re good!" Chong grinned, causing his wife to just shake her head, but she smiled as well.

#27 – Metal Sokka/Azula

Azula stood triumphant, confident in her skill at bending lightning, but when the dust cleared, it wasn’t the boy, but a pole that laid smoking, halfway between them, and a smirk crossed his face, "What, you don’t know about lightning rods?"

#28 – New Aang/Toph

He was always excited about new things, new adventures, so learning a new element was something he jumped into head first... he just didn’t expect such a painful landing.

#29 – Old Gran-Gran (Kana)/Master Pakku

They just stared at each other for a long time, so long that those around them started shifting awkwardly, until the old woman spoke, "Still wish you’d married me?"

#30 – Peace Aang/Ty Lee

He watched as she performed amazing acts of balance and acrobatics, a hundred feet off the ground, and just knowing that she was truly free to live however she wished, made everything he’d had to do worth it.

#31 – Poison Zhao/Azula

The delicate flower reminded him so much of his young princess, lovely to look at, soft and fragrant, and able to kill effortlessly in minutes.

#32 – Pretty Koh/Azula

"You have nothing to worry about, lovely princess, I see you have complete control of yourself, a cold fire," he continued to circle, as was his way, and came face to face with her, "and I see that you’re very proud of that."

#33 – Rain Azula/Katara

Katara felt she had the edge against the firebending princess, even though she was so much stronger, the waterbender had field advantage, and so she was shocked when she found herself pinned to the ground, "Did you really think a little rain would allow you to beat me?"

#34 – Regret Zuko/Aang

The Avatar couldn’t see it, or perhaps he just chose to ignore it, but the wall was there, separating them, and the worst part was that he’d built it himself, with his selfishness and pride, and he knew he could never demolish it.

#35 – Roses Ozai/Ursa

The engagement had been coldly formal, his eyes empty when they met hers, and she feared she wouldn’t grow to love the prince, as she was assured she would, until she returned to find her room filled with the most beautiful bouquets of vibrant red blooms.

#36 – Secret Ty Lee/Katara

The celestial lights were among the most beautiful things she’d ever seen, though she shivered from the cold, and leaned against Katara for warmth, whispering playfully, "You wanna know what else pressure points can do?"

#37 – Snakes Jet/Haru

Jet put his arm around the long-haired earthbender, holding up his sword, and the limp reptile hanging from the hook, as an example, "Gotta be careful out here, but don’t worry, stick with me and you’ll be fine."

#38 – Snow Katara/Toph

Earth and rock were her elements, where she felt at home, and she could even tolerate sand, but this place was impossible, she couldn’t "see" anything and after awhile she couldn’t even feel her own feet, until Katara tapped her on the forehead, "Just put the shoes on."

#39 – Solid Azula/Mai

There was no need for threats or incitements, the princess knew that no matter what was in the plans, if she looked over her shoulder, Mai would be there, as eager for action as always, never wavering in her loyalty for a second.

#40 – Spring Haru/Suki

Suki smiled warmly at the cute boy behind the counter, "We need supplies for our journey, what fresh spring fruit do you have?" and she tried not to giggle along with her friends as the young man tripped over his words to tell her what they had in stock.

#41 – Stable Jun/Jet

Jun smiled, and the paralyzed boy could do nothing but glare at her as she retrieved the supplies he’d attempted to steal and patted her Shirshu, "Now, just what are we going to do with you?"

#42 – Strange Zuko/Jet

They were acting suspicious, he decided, although they didn’t stand out from the other refugees, it was almost like they were trying extra hard to hide away from everyone, especially the boy with the scar... yes, he would discover what they were hiding.

#43 – Summer Azula/Ty Lee

The heat was merciless, and although she would never lower herself to such antics, she found herself envying her friend, splashing around in the river in an almost indecent lack of clothing.

#44 – Taboo Katara/Sokka

It was the greatest of injustices, that as she was blossoming into a young woman, ripe with new feelings and desires, the closest thing to a man in her village was her own brother.

#45 – Ugly Zuko/Katara

Listening to the giggling shop girls comment on how it was a shame that his scar disfigured an otherwise handsome face, Katara shocked herself with the intensity of her anger and quickness to defend her new ally.

#46 – War Haru/Katara

As he strapped on his armor, set his helmet on his head, and lined up with the other recruits, he thought back to that blue-eyed girl who had breathed life into his fighting spirit.

#47 – Water Iroh/tea

The smell was enticing, the leaves ready and waiting, but he was forced to wait, and continued on with his empty water skin.

#48 – Welcome Meng/Aang

She’d seen the signs, she knew he’d return, alone, and when he did she’d meet him with a bright smile, bean curd puffs, and a new hairstyle.

#49 – Winter Katara/Teo

It had been so long since she’d seen snow, she’d almost forgotten how to move around it and slipped, only to be saved by a pair of strong arms and a charming smile, "Watch it, the stones get slippery around this time of year, it took a few tries for my father to find a tread that kept my wheels from sliding."

#50 – Wood Iroh/Aunt Wu

The sticks fell, some overlapping, others sitting alone, two managing to hold each other upright, and the fortuneteller sighed, perhaps it was better that he had not glimpsed his future.

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