1sentence challenge by Kali Gargoyle. Yes, I know I broke the rules again, I still don’t have a LJ, and I like my OC ship. XD

Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko/Amaya (OC)
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: G to suggestive PG-13

#01 – Ring

Amaya admired the beautifully cut stone, sparkling with the deepest shades of red, wondering if she should feel happy or saddened, only to decide on both.

#02 – Hero

They were far enough away now, safe from their pursuers, and free to rest, Zuko didn’t even have the strength to react when Amaya laid her head on his shoulder and whispered, "I knew you’d come for me, you always do."

#03 – Memory

When asked about his friends, Zuko’s first reaction was to say he didn’t have any, but something stopped him... "Yeah, I had one, her name was Amaya..."

#04 – Box

Zuko fell to his knees, his hands shaking as he took the singed puzzle box, not wanting to believe it was her last wish for him to have it, and pushed aside the panels until he revealed its contents, words written on crisp parchment in a familiar sweeping script, ‘Azula always lies’.

#05 – Run

They had her outnumbered and outskilled, and Amaya knew there was nothing else she could do against the deadly trio except make sure she was somewhere they weren’t, and do so very quickly.

#06 – Hurricane

The storm was one of the worst this area had seen in a long time, and as Amaya looked out over the angry sea, she let the memories surface, not knowing why they came now of all times.

#07 – Wings

They came in every color, making the trees they rested on look like a giant, mangled rainbows, but the prince was more taken with his companion’s wide eyes and smile than the fluttering insects around them.

#08 – Cold

Her fingers were numb and her face felt like it was frozen, but she refused to let go of the young prince, lest he slip away into the darkness forever.

#09 – Red

One good thing about traveling with the Avatar was that he could wear red again, and he was all the more grateful for that when Amaya straightened out his shirt with the comment, "That’s so much better!"

#10 – Drink

Zuko swallowed the bitter tea, trying to keep a straight face so as not to offend his uncle, when he felt something poke his leg, and waited until his uncle wasn’t looking before slipping one of Amaya’s Honey Drops into the cup.

#11 – Midnight

The night hides many things in its shadows, from young lovers to cold assassins, who pass without incident or notice.

#12 – Temptation

It was everything, the graceful way she walked, the delicate way she moved her hands, her voice saying all the right words, but what frustrated him the most was the look in her dark eyes that said she knew exactly what she was doing.

#13 – View

He was never one to sit and watch the sunset, it seemed like such a waste of time, and it depressed him for some reason, but when he took Amaya’s advice to do so, he regretted every one he’d missed.

#14 – Music

Just as he sat and watched as she painted, Amaya loved to sit and listen as Zuko practiced the Sungi Horn.

#15 – Silk

Zuko had begun to think he’d never feel real, top quality silk again, so much so that for a second, he was more entranced by the fabric than the skin beneath it.

#16 – Cover

Zuko pulled her into the doorframe, holding her close and trying to hide any part of them that might reveal their position to Azula’s hunting party.

#17 – Promise

He barely glanced over his shoulder as he said it, a casual remark as he prepared to leave, but she held the words in her heart, "Stay here, I want to know where to find you again."

#18 – Dream

For weeks after, Amaya would wake up in a panic, and have to force herself to remember that the screams and smell of burnt flesh remained only in her memories.

#19 – Candle

He manipulated the small flame with delicate, deliberate movements of his fingers, but instead of watching the candle, the young artisan watched the reflections in his focused eyes.

#20 – Talent

The young prince threw down his brush, which caused his ‘tutor’ to roll her eyes, "You don’t see me having a fit because I can’t bend, do you?"

#21 – Silence

She saw Azula’s eye begin to twitch with frustration, but still Amaya held her gaze and refused to answer the princess’ questions as to the whereabouts of her brother.

#22 – Journey

"So, do you actually have a destination," Amaya asked as she packed a few extra things into their supplies, "or is this a case of being anywhere but?"

#23 – Fire

It was their element, something they shared, although it took Zuko awhile to understand that those who could not bend could still have the fire in their hearts.

#24 – Strength

Those who didn’t know her well would assume the artisan was weak, in spirit as well as body, but Zuko knew better, he’d seen first hand her will of iron and heart of fire.

#25 – Mask

Amaya stood between her group and the masked thief holding them at swordpoint, staring, trying to look like she actually posed a threat, when he suddenly took off into the woods, leaving the girl very confused.

#26 – Ice

Upon reaching the Northern Water Tribe, Amaya stood in breathless awe at the beautiful city, and expressed the deepest apologies to Chief Arnook that the new Fire Lord could not come personally.

#27 – Fall

Watching the leaves change was Zuko’s favorite thing about autumn, except for maybe keeping Amaya’s hands warm against the chill.

#28 – Forgotten

He’d completely about giving her that bracelet, it had been so long ago, it couldn’t possibly still fit (yes, he could see where she’d expanded it), why would she go through the trouble for a children’s trinket?

#29 – Dance

He wasn’t even listening to the music, he couldn’t believe he’d let his uncle drag him to this festival, it was too out in the open, too pointless... "Dance with me, Zuko," and she didn’t even let him answer, she just took her hand and preempted any resistance.

#30 – Body

With her body pressed against him, Zuko was glad she couldn’t see his face, not knowing that her cheeks were just as pink as she rested her head on his shoulder.

#31 – Sacred

Amaya rolled out the scroll beside her, studying the symbols again carefully, she couldn’t risk making a mistake, not artistic freedom with this piece, "Are you ready?" and after seeing the subtle yet unmistakable nod of his head, she pulled the iron from the fire.

#32 – Farewells

The newly banished prince stood on the dock, waiting to embark, when he was joined by Amaya, sadly staring at his bandaged face before surprising him with a kiss and the parting words, "Until you return."

#33 – World

His world had been concrete, but now it was as solid as dry sand, but he continued to plod through it, his goals just as ungraspable, and the harder he tried, the faster it seemed to slip through his fingers.

#34 – Formal

They bowed and sat quietly as their parents talked, both itching to lose the pretenses, but knowing better than to do so in adult company.

#35 – Fever

The young prince stood at the threshold to her bedroom, scared to take anther step, he could see from here how flushed her face was, the cool cloth across her eyes and forehead, but the next thing he knew he was beside her, placing the gold charm bracelet around her wrist.

#36 – Laugh

He turned from the Water Tribe boy’s mocking face, but when he heard Amaya’s giggling he looked and saw that she had written ‘peasant’ on the fogged glass window, and he couldn’t help doubling over with laughter.

#37 – Lies

When Matao asked which court girl he thought was cutest, Zuko answered that he didn’t really think any of them were; he wasn’t about to admit the truth to an overprotective older brother.

#38 – Forever

Amaya sat back to back with Zuko, staring out at the sea, but focusing on nothing, "You know I’ll always be here for you. Whatever you need. Anything at all."

#39 – Overwhelmed

He’d been brought up and educated to rule his country, just not during post-war times, there was so much that required his direct attention, the only thing that got him through it was her delicate, knowing touch.

#40 – Whisper

She ran her fingers through his hair, careful not to wake him, whispering, "I love you," before moving to her own sleeping mat, not seeing him watch her slip under the thin blanket.

#41 – Wait

Zuko forced himself to look forward as he and his uncle left the town, only to be stopped by someone calling their names, asking them to wait up, and they stood frozen as Amaya, dressed in traveling clothes, jogged to meet them.

#42 – Talk

General Iroh disrupted his nephew’s daydream with a heavy hand on his shoulder, "Zuko, we need to have a talk."

#43 – Search

"So, then, what are you searching for?" Amaya asked Zuko casually, but he was unable to answer, he didn’t know, he knew it was something, but... what?

#44 – Hope

To hear the young men talk about their failed attempts to woo the beautiful Amaya, Zuko felt hopeful, but he couldn’t help but wonder what she was looking for that wasn’t in any of these boys.

#45 – Eclipse

Zuko felt bothered by the darkened sun, his young mind only comprehending that he couldn’t bend and he hated that, until Amaya noted with a smile, "Neither can Azula, then."

#46 – Gravity

Whenever he saw the Avatar escape on that beast of his, Zuko wished that he, too, had a way to overcome the force that held him down.

#47 – Highway

"There has to be something down this road, look how well traveled it is," Zuko pointed out, trying to relieve the whining of his hungry and tired traveling companions.

#48 – Unknown

"Why do we have to read all these scrolls?" Prince Zuko complained to his friend, who, of course, just smiled and answered, "To learn, there’re always things waiting to be discovered, do you want to do the things you already know, over and over again, for the rest of your life?"

#49 – Lock

Zuko curled the lock of black hair around his fingers, feeling the smoothness, catching the faint scent of tropical flowers, until he caught Amaya’s dark brown gaze and let the tress slip through his fingers.

#50 – Breathe

Zuko surfaced, pulling Amaya with him to the shore, coughing up water until he realized she wasn’t, "Amaya?" he called, shaking her, slapping her back until she did.

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