Now this will include some of my own personal thoughts as well as the truth. All of you who don't agree with Ryoko being Lord Kagato's child... Just think 'surrogate parent.' Also all of you who think I don't like Ryoko... I do... so thbbt!

Ryoko is considered to be the first member of the CoK. She was creation of Washu's and most likely several other scientists, like Lord Kagato. Washu's ovum were used so in a sense she is Washu's daughter. Now there the similarities between Washu and Ryoko are surprisingly similar to the similarities between Kagato and Ryoko. Eyes, ears, unruly hair, energy manipulation. Also the way Kagato and Washu seemed to talk hinted at them having a relationship in the past. Also we all know how possessive he is about his work. Well, getting back on topic, we know that Washu combined her ovum with a creature called the mass. Ryoko also has three gems of power, given to her by Washu. These gems are the basis of the gems of Soja.

Soon after Ryoko's birth, Kagato imprisoned Washu, and began using her as a tool. Who knows, Lord Kagato could've imprisoned Washu even before Ryoko was born. It just seems to be a widely accepted theory that it was after Ryoko was born. Now Kagato could control Ryoko through the gems Washu gave her. Now an interesting thing with this is that Ryoko seems to retain at least some of her personality when she's being controlled. Which means in the flashback scenes where she's attacking Jurai and laughing.... She must've been enjoying it! Hey, wouldn't you have fun making a bunch of arrogant manipulative jerks lives a bit harder? Honestly, Sasami is the only one I can say I have absolutely no problem with. Oops... going off topic again.

Well after Ryoko attacked Jurai, the first crown prince of Jurai, Yosho, pursued her to the planet Earth. There Ryoko lost her gems and was imprisoned for 700 years. This time was most likely stated in Earth Standard years.

Once revived, Ryoko stayed in hiding instead of actively seeking out our Lord. She even attacked him, the nerve.. In this way I believe she fell from grace.
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