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His Glove 8/10/01  Well a new site design. Yeah, another one. But this one I can update without being on geocities. Geocities is fine when working small, but when you gotta do big things it sucks. Well I'm getting the image galleries up and all. So hang tight. Everything should be coming together soon. Those who have emailed me member submissions I haven't forgotten you.

This site is designed for 800x600 since most people seem to be viewing it in that. If I get enough complaints I'll make an option to go to a version ment for a higher resolution. If you are one of the people who feel like they need to complain, please also list your screen res. Thank you. I personally have a 1152x864 screen res, and the site looks alright as a small window.

I lost some files it seems. Grr. Unfortunately I think I lost one of my favorite fanart pics. (The cute lil Kagato). Hopefully I'll find it.

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