The Rejection of Musical Instruments in Worship

Historical Quotes on the Use of Instruments in Worship

Organ Grinding Circa 1849 (Taken from the "Watchman and Observer")
1: From the Editor (Richard Bacon)
2: Organs (Simplex)
3: Organs (H.)
4: Organs (Inquirer)
5: Letter to the Editor (Moses Hoge)
6: Organs (Chorepiscopus [R.L. Dabney])
7: Organs (Rusticus)
8: Organs, Once More (H.)
9: Ancient Church Music

Instrumental Music in Worship (Arthur Allen)

Interpretation of Psalm 150 (Richard Bacon)

Musical Instruments in Psalm 150 (Richard Bacon)

The Manner of Praise (Alexander Blaikie)

Protest Against the Use of Instrumental Music in the Stated Worship of God on the Lord's Day (Robert Breckenridge)

Trumpet Blast Against the Trumpet, or, A Brief Treatise on the Use of Instrumental Music in New Testament Worship (Brother John)

Discourse Against the Use of Instrumental Music in Public Worship (Hugh Brown)

A Review of Girardeau's "Instrumental Music in Public Worship" (R.L. Dabney)

Instrumental Music in the Worship of the Church (John Girardeau)

The Instrumental Music of Judaism (Alexander Hislop)

A Discourse on Instrumental Music in Public Worship (Robert Johnson)

The Introduction of Instrumental Music into the Worship of the Free Church Unscriptural, Unconstitutional, and Inexpedient (John Kennedy)

Instrumental Music in Religious Worship (John M'Donald)

The Organ Question (W. Robertson)

Musical Instruments in the Public Worship of God (Brian Schwertley)

Instrumental Music in Worship (G.I. Williamson)
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