Facharzt für Urologie und Andrologie

Ordination: Steiermärkerstrasse 30, 4560 Kirchdorf

Ordinationszeiten: Mo 8.30-13.30, Di 15.00-18.00, Mi 14.00-18.30, Do 8.30-12.30, Fr 8.30-12.00, alle Kassen.
Tel. 07582-60099, Fax: 07582-60099-15

e-mail: [email protected]


Geburtsdatum: 18. Mai 1959, Kirchdorf/Kr., Österreich

Staatsbürgerschaft: Österreich

Religion: römisch-katholisch

Schulbildung: Gymnasium Kirchdorf,Österreich, (Matura 1977 mit Auszeichnung)

Medizinstudium: Universität Innsbruck (Promotion 1983)

Postgraduelle Ausbildung:
1984 Grundwehrdienst an der Heeressanitätsanstalt Innsbruck
1985-1988 Ausbildung zum praktischen Arzt am allg. Krankenhaus der barmherzigen Schwestern in Wels
1988-91 Ausbildung zum Facharzt für Urologie am allg. Krankenhaus der barmherzigen Schwestern in Wels, der urologischen Universitätsklinik Innsbruck und der urologischen Universitätsklinik der Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.A.
1991-93 klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Fellow an der urologischen Universitätsklinik der Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.
Sept. 1993- Juni 1999 Oberarzt an der urologischen Abteilung des allgemeinen Krankenhauses der barmherzigen Schwestern in Wels, Österreich
Aug. 1999- Ende 2000 Division of Urologic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, U.S.A.
ab Feb. 2001 urologische Praxis in Kirchdorf/Kr.

Juni 1994 Habilitation zum Universitätsdozenten an der Universität Wien

FA für Urologie und praktischer Arzt
Venia docendi für Urologie, Universität Wien (1994)
Akkreditiert für Nordamerika durch die Examination for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG 393-093-0; valid indefinitely)
Missouri License MD 102324 (exp. 1993)

Jänner 2004 Verleihung des Berufstitels "Universitätsprofessor" durch den Präsidenten der Republik Österreich

Seit Wintersemester 1994 Vorlesung an der Univ. Wien über minimal invasive Operationsmethoden.
1994 - 1999 Teilnahme an der Turnusärzte- und Assistentenfortbildung am AKH Wels (mehr als 200 Vorträge im Rahmen dieses Projektes).

Fakultätsmitglied bei Fortbildungsveranstaltungen:
Faculty Member: Frontiers in Endurology, Washington University, Juni, 1992.
Faculty Member: Laparoscopy Course, 10th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, Singapore, September, 1992.
Faculty Member: AUA Course Advanced Laparoscopy, März 20-21, 1993, Houston.
Faculty Member: Laparoscopy Course, Austrian Society of Urology, KH Lainz, April 9, 1994, Vienna.
Faculty Member: Laparoscopy Course, European Surgical Institute, Oktober 10-12, 1994, Hamburg.
Faculty Member: V Eurotraining Course on Renal and Ureteral Endosurgery, November 13-16, 1994, Loano.
Faculty Member: Laparoscopy Course, European Surgical Institute, Juni 11-12, 1995, Hamburg.
Faculty Member: American Urology Delegation to China and Mongolia, März 16-31, 1996.
Faculty Member: World Congress of Endourology, Sao Paolo, September 14-17, 2000.
Organistor und Fakultätsmitglied des 1. Kremstaler Männergesundheitstages, 16. November, 2002.
Organistor des 2. Kremstaler Männergesundheitstages, 25. Oktober, 2003.

Editorielle Ernennungen:
Reviewer for the Journal of Endourology
Reviewer for Urology
Co-Editor of Techniques in Urology (1994-2002)

Sonstige Ernennungen:
Co-Investigator der ersten klinischen FDA Studie in Nordamerika zwecks Zulassung des LT02 Lithotriptors (Fa. EDAP, Frankreich)
Locum tenens consultant urologist , August 10 - September 7, 1996, King Faisal Hospital and Research Center, Ryadh, Saudi Arabien
Ständig beeideter, gerichtlich zertifizierter Gutachter (seit März 2002)

Fortbildungsbeauftragter des Bezirkes Kirchdorf, Österreich (seit Jänner 2003)

Gesundheitsförderungspreis des Landes OÖ (1.Preis) für das Projekt Männergesundheit (April 2003).

Erwin Schrödinger Stipendium der Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Juni 1992-1993)

Mitglied von Gesellschaften:
Amerikanische Gesellschaft für Urologie
Endourological Society
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Urologie
Medizinische Gesellschaft für OÖ
Club der Universität Wien

Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Interessen:
1.Endourologie: Ureteraler Heilungsprozess nach verschiedenen Stentimplantationen
2.Uroradiologie: MRI-Urographie
3.Onkologie: Prognostische Kriterien des locoregionären Prostatakarzinoms mittels DNA-Zytometrie,
ablative perkutane Tumortherapieverfahren
4.Neue Operationsmethoden in der minimal invasiven Urologie

Cited Reference Author: 400 (Stand März 2001)

Management Ausbildung, Medientraining und Wirtschaftskurse:
Management Training, April 1-4, 1994, Zürich, Schweiz
Das Mitarbeitergespräch als Führungsinstrument November 18-19, 1994, Traunkirchen, Österreich
25. Post-Graduate Lehrgang für Management und Betriebsführung September 9-17, und Oktober 14-21, 1995, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Medienarbeit in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens Dezember 6,1996, Niederösterreichische Landesakademie, Rudolfinerhaus Wien
Medientraining Der Kontakt zu Journalisten, April 10-11, 1997, Wien
Medientraining Botschaften für Auge und Ohr, Oktober 2-3, 1997, Wien
Finanzmanagement für Nicht-Finanzfachleute, Juni 15-16, 1998, Wien

ORF-Kooperation mit OÖ Ärztekammer:
Radiointerviews zum Thema Potenzstörungen, April 21, 1998, 14.30-15.00, Radio OÖ und April 3, 2003, 23:00-24:00, Radio Froh, zum Thema Männergesundheit, November 6, 2003, 23:00-24:00, Radio Froh.
Fernsehbeiträge (INFO-TV): Juli 2002 (Prostatacarcinom), August 2002 (Der Beitrag des Mannes zur Empfängnisverhütung), Oktober 2002 (Blut im Harn), Februar 2003 (Die urologischen Krankheiten der Frau), April 2003 (Männl. Potenzprobleme), Januar 2007 (Urologische Vorsorge).


  1. Kerbl, K. and Pauer W.: Primary Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the prostate.
    Urology 1988 Oct;32(4):347-9

  2. Kerbl, K. and Pauer, W.: Endoscopic Balloon Dilatation of Postoperative Strictured Ureterosigmoidostomy.
    Journal of Endourology 1990; 4: 385-8.

  3. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., McDougall, E.M., Urban, D.A., Gill, I.S.: Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy: Evaluation of first clinical series.
    Eur Urol 1993;23(4):431-6

  4. Kerbl, K., McDougall, E.M. and Clayman, R.V.: Obtaining the Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopy.
    Contemporary Urology 1993; 5: 48-55.

  5. Kerbl, K. and Pauer, W.: Renal Failure and Uremia Leading to the Diagnosis of Prune-Belly-Syndrome in a 34-year-old Man.
    Int Urol Nephrol 1993;25(2):205-8

  6. Kerbl, K., Chandhoke, P.S., Clayman, R.V., McDougall, E.M., Stone, A.M. and Figenshau, R.S.: Ligation of the renal pedicle during laparoscopic nephrectomy: a comparison of staples, clips, and sutures.
    J Laparoendosc Surg 1993 Feb;3(1):9-12

  7. Kerbl, K., Figenshau, R.S., Clayman, R.V., Chandhoke, P.S., Kavoussi, L.R., Albala, D.M. and Stone, A.M.: Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Nephrectomy: Laboratory and Clinical Experience.
    J Endourol 1993 Feb;7(1):23-6

  8. Urban, D.A., Clayman, R.V., Kerbl, K., Figenshau R.S., McDougall, E.M.: Laparoscopic Nephropexy for symptomatic nephroptosis: initial case report.
    J Endourol 1993 Feb;7(1):27-30

  9. Kerbl, K., and Clayman, R.V.: Basic techniques of laparoscopic surgery.
    Urol Clin North Am 1993 May;20(2):361-8

  10. Chandhoke, P.S., Clayman, R.V., Kerbl, K., Figenshau, R.S., McDougall, E.M., Kavoussi, L.R. and Stone, A.M.: Laparoscopic Ureterectomy: Initial clinical Experience.
    J Urol 1993 May;149(5):992-7

  11. Gill, I.S., Kerbl, K. and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic surgery in urology: Current applications.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 1993 Jun;160(6):1167-70

  12. Kerbl, K., Chandhoke, P.S., McDougall, E.M., Figenshau, R.S., Stone, A.M. and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic Stapled Bladder Closure: Laboratory and Clinical Experience.
    J Urol 1993 Jun;149(6):1437-9; discussion 1439-40

  13. McDougall, E.M., Clayman, R.V., Chandhoke, P.S., Kerbl, K., Stone, A.M., Wick, M.R., Hicks, M. and Figenshau, R.S.: Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy in the Pig Model.
    J Urol 1993 Jun;149(6):1633-6

  14. Brunt, L.M., Molmenti, E.P., Kerbl, K., Soper, N.J., Stone, A.M., Clayman, R.V.: Retroperitoneal endoscopic adrenalectomy: An experimental study.
    Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993 Aug;3(4):300-6

  15. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., Petros, J.A., Chandhoke, P.S. and Gill, I.S.: Staging pelvic lymphadenectomy for prostate cancer: a comparison of laparoscopic and open techniques.
    J Urol 1993 Aug;150(2 Pt 1):396-8; discussion 399

  16. Kerbl, K. and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic renal surgery.
    Kidney Int 1993 Aug;44(2):273-7

  17. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., McDougall, E.M. and Kavoussi, L.R.: Laparoscopic Nephrectomy.
    Arch Esp Urol 1993 Sep;46(7):581-4

  18. Kerbl, K., Chandhoke, PS, Figenshau, R.S., Stone, A.M. and Clayman, R.V.: Effect of Stent Duration on Ureteral Healing Following Endoureterotomy in an Animal Model.
    J Urol 1993 Oct;150(4):1302-5

  19. Kerbl, K. and Pauer, W.: Spontaneous Regression of Osseous Metastasis in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
    Aust N Z J Surg 1993 Nov;63(11):901-3

  20. Kavoussi, L. R., Kerbl, K., Capelouto, C.C., McDougall, E. M., and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic nephrectomy for renal neoplasms.
    Urology 1993 Nov;42(5):603-9

  21. Kerbl, K. and Clayman, R.V.: Incision of the ureterovesical junction for endoscopic surveillance of transitional cell cancer of the upper urinary tract.
    J Urol 1993 Nov;150(5 Pt 1):1440-3

  22. Urban, D.A., Kerbl, K., McDougall, E.M., Stone, A.M., Fadden, P. and Clayman, R.V.: Organ entrapment and renal morcellation: Permeability studies.
    J Urol 1993 Dec;150(6):1792-4

  23. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R. V., McDougall, E. M., Kavoussi, L. R.: Laparoscopic nephrectomy for benign and malignant renal disease.
    BMJ 1993 Dec 4;307(6917):1488-9

  24. Kerbl, K., Picus, D.D. and Clayman, R. V.: Clinical experience with the Kaye tamponade nephrostomy catheter.
    Eur Urol 1994;25(2):94-8

  25. Kerbl, K. and Clayman, R.V.: Acute hemostasis during laparoscopic procedures: method for intraoperative application of hemostatic material.
    J Urol 1994 Jan;151(1):109-10

  26. Kerbl, K. and Clayman, R.V.: Advances in laparoscopic renal and ureteral surgery.
    Eur Urol 1994;25(1):1-6

  27. Soper, N., Brunt, L.M. and Kerbl, K.: Laparoscopic Surgery.
    N Engl J Med 1994 Feb 10;330(6):409-19

  28. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., McDougall, E.M., and Kavoussi, L.R.: Laparoscopic nephrectomy: the Washington University experience.
    Br J Urol 1994 Mar;73(3):231-6

  29. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., Chandhoke, P.S., Picus, D.D., Urban, D.A., Deleo, B.C. and Carbone, J.M.: Percutaneous stone removal with the patient in a flank position.
    J Urol 1994 Mar;151(3):686-8

  30. Figenshau, R.S., Clayman, R.V., Kerbl, K., McDougall, E.M., Colberg, J.: Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy in the child: initial case report.
    J Urol 1994 Mar;151(3):740-1

  31. Kerbl, K., Clayman, R. V., McDougall, E. M., Gill, I.S., Wilson, B.S., Chandhoke, P.S., Albala, D.M., and Kavoussi, L. R.: Transperitoneal nephrectomy for benign disease of the kidney: a comparison of laparoscopic and open surgical techniques.
    Urology 1994 May;43(5):607-13

  32. Urban, D.A., Kerbl, K. Clayman, R.V. and McDougall, E.M.: Endo-Ureteroplasty with a free urothelial graft.
    J Urol 1994 Sep;152(3):910-5

  33. Gill, I. S., McClennan, B. L., Kerbl, K., Carbone, J. M., Wick, M, and Clayman, R. V.,.: Adrenal involvement in renal cell cancer: Incidence and predictive value of the computed tomography (CT) scan.
    J Urol 1994 Oct;152(4):1082-5

  34. Moon, Y.T., Kerbl, K., Pearle, M.S., Gardner, S.M., McDougall, E.M., Humphrey, P. and Clayman, R.V.: Evaluation of optimal stent size after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures.
    J Endourol 1995 Feb;9(1):15-22

  35. McDougall, E.M., Urban, D.A., Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., Fadden, P., Royal, H.D., Chandhoke, P.S. and Stone A.M.: Laparoscopic repair of vesicoureteral reflux utilizing the Lich-Gregoir technique in the pig model.
    J Urol 1995 Feb;153(2):497-500

  36. Anderson, K.R., Kerbl, K., Fadden, P. T., Wick M.R., McDougall, E. M. and Clayman, R. V.: Effect of piezoelectric energy on porcine kidneys using the EDAP LT02.
    J Urol. 1995 Apr;153(4):1295-8

  37. Pauer, W., Kerbl, K.: Self-expanding permanent endoluminal stents in the ureter: Technical considerations.
    Tech Urol 1995 Summer;1(2):67-71

  38. Anderson, K.R., Fadden, P.A., Kerbl, K., McDougall, E.M., and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic assisted continent urinary diversion in pig.
    J Urol 1995 Nov;154(5):1934-8

  39. Kerbl, K. and Pirko, P.C.: Lokale Enzymtherapie bei Prostatodynie und chronisch abakterieller Prostatitis.
    CLINICUM 1996; 1-2: 1-8.

  40. Kerbl, K., Mitterhuber, J., Pauer, W., and Zisch, R.: Transrectal puncture and drainage of seminal vesicle abscess.
    Tech Urol 1998 Sep;4(3):169-71

  41. Zisch, R., Kerbl, K.: MR-Urography in the evaluation of acute flank pain.
    Tech Urol 1999 Sep;5(3):159-65

  42. Kerbl, K., and Zisch, R.: Local transrectal enzymatic treatment for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia: Initial clinical experience.
    Tech Urol 2000 Mar;6(1):22-5

  43. Kerbl, K., and Clayman, R.V.: Endourologic treatment of nephrocalcinosis.
    Urology 2000 Sep;56(3):508

  44. Kerbl, K., and Clayman, R.V.: Treatment of multifocal superficial transitional cell cancer of the bladder using roller ball electrovaporization.
    J Urol 2001; 165(1):141-2

  45. Rehman J, Landman J, Kerbl K, and Clayman RV.: Laparoscopic repair of diaphragmatic defect by total intracorporeal suturing: clinical and technical considerations. Tech Urol 2001 Jul-Sep; 5 (3): 287-91.

  46. Collyer WC, Landman J, Olweny EO, Andreoni C, Kerbl K, Bostwick DG, Clayman RV.: Comparison of renal ablation with cryotherapy, dry radiofrequency, and saline augmented radiofrequency in a porcine model. J Am Coll Surg; 2001 Nov; 193(5):505-13.

  47. Olweny EO, Landman J, Andreoni C, Collyer W, Kerbl K, Onciu M, Välimaa T, Clayman RV.: Evaluation of the use of a biodegradable ureteral stent after retrograde endopyelotomy in a porcine model. J Urol; 2002 May; 167(5):2198-2002.

  48. Kerbl K, Rehman J, Landman J, Lee D, Sundaram C, Clayman RV.: Current Management of Urolithiasis: Progress or Regress? J Endourol; 2002 June; 16(5):281-288.

  49. Landman J, Kerbl K, Rehman J, Andreoni C, Humphrey PA, Collyer W, Olweny E, Sundaram C, Clayman RV.: Evaluation of a vessel sealing system, bipolar electrosurgery, harmonic scalpel, titanium clips, endoscopic gastrointestinal anastomosis vascular staples and sutures for arterial and venous ligation in a porcine model. J Urol; 2003 Feb; 169(2):697-700.


Kerbl, K., Clayman, R.V., and Kavoussi, L.R.: Laparoscopic Nephrectomy. In Holcomb, G.W. III, (Ed.): Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery. Norwalk, CT, Appleton and Lange. pp 93-102, 1994.

Kerbl, K., Elashry, O.M., and Nakada, S.Y.: Exiting the Abdomen. In Smiths Textbook of Endourology. St. Louis, MO, Quality Medical Publishing Inc., pp 833-842, 1996.

Kerbl, K.: Enzymtherapie bei chronisch abakterieller Prostatitis und Prostatodynie. In Systemische Enzymtherapie. München, MMV, Medizin-Verlag, pp 67-69, 1996.

Gill, I.S., Kerbl, K., Meraney, A.M., and Clayman, R.V.: Basics of Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery. In Campbell's Urology 8th Edition. Philadelphia, Saunders, pp 3455-3505, 2002.


Xth EAU Congress, July, 1992, Genoa, Italy Acucise endopyeloyomy: initial clinical experience. Kerbl K, Chandhoke PS, Clayman RV, Stone AM, McDougall EM, Albala DM, Kavoussi LR, Figenshau RS.
Laparoscopic nephrectomy. Kerbl K, Clayman RV, Kavoussi LR.

10th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, 8th Annual Research Symposium on ESWL, Singapore, September 1992:
Laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation: laboratory studies. Ralph V. Clayman, Elspeth M. McDougall, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Kurt Kerbl, and A. Marika Stone. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S144.
Evaluation of ureteral healing and stent duration after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures using a porcine model. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Robert S. Figenshau, Ralph V. Clayman, A. Marika Stone. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S115.
Laparoscopic staples in the urinary tract: bladder application. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Elspeth M. McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, Louis R. Kavoussi, Dave M. Albala, Robert S. Figenshau, A. Marika Stone. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S144.
Laparoscopic clips and staples: vascular application. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Elspeth M. McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, A. Marika Stone, Marshall Hicks. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S142.
Retroperitoneal endoscopic adrenalectomy. L. Michael Brunt, Ernesto Molmenti, Kurt Kerbl, Nathanial J. Soper, Marika A. Stone, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S158.
Evaluation of ureteral healing and stent duration after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures using a porcine model. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Robert S. Figenshau, Ralph V. Clayman, A. Marika Stone. J. Endourol. 1992; 6: S52.

Annual Scientific Convention, South Central Section, AUA. October 31- November 3, 1992, Galveston, Texas.
Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy. John A. Petros, Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit Chandhoke, Ralph Clayman, William Catalona.

Fourth Conference of the International Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, Dublin, November 1992:
Laparoscopic staples in the urinary tract: bladder application. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Elspeth McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, Louis R. Kavoussi, Dave M. Albala, Donald A. Urban, Robert S. Figenshau, A. Marika Stone. Minimally Invasive Therapy 1992; 1: C 49.
Laparoscopic clips and staples: vascular application Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Elspeth McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, A. Marika Stone, Marshall Hicks. Minimally Invasive Therapy 1992; 1: C 50.
Retroperitoneal endoscopic adrenalectomy: an experimental study. L. Michael Brunt, Ernesto P. Molmenti, Kurt Kerbl, Nathanial J. Soper, Marika Stone, Ralph V. Clayman. Minimally Invasive Therapy 1992; 1: 41.
Laparoscopic repair of vesicoureteral reflux utilizing the Gregoir-Lich technique in the pig model. Donald A. Urban, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, A. Marika Stone. Minimally Invasive Therapy 1992; 1: B 28.

Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association, April 4-7, 1993, Nashville, Tennessee.
Organ entrapment and Renal morcellation: permeability studies. Ralph V. Clayman, A. Marika Stone, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M McDougall, Paul T. Fadden, Donald A. Urban.
Laparoscopic repair of vesicoureteral reflux utilizing the Gregoir-Lich Technique in the pig model. Donald A. Urban, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, A. Marika Stone.
Staging pelvic lymphadenectomy for prostate cancer: a comparison of laparoscopic and open techniques. Kurt Kerbl, John A. Petros, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Ralph V. Clayman, Inderbir S. Gill.
Ureteronephroscopic urothelial endoureteroplasty. Donald A. Urban, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall.
Evaluation of ureteral healing and stent duration after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures using a porcine model. Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Robert S. Figenshau, Ralph V. Clayman, Mark R. Wick, A. Marika Stone.
Pathologic and physiologic effects of indwelling ureteral stents made of ÒCÓ flex material on the normal porcine ureter and kidney. Donald A. Urban, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall, A. Marika Stone, Paul Fadden.

Eighty-Eight Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, May 15- 20, 1993, San Antonio, Texas.
Laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy. Inderbir s. Gill, Joseph M. Carbone, Ralph V. Clayman, Paul A. Fadden, A. Marika Stone, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall, Bruce A. Lucas, J. William McRoberts. Journal of Urology 149: 194A, 1993.
Evaluation of ureteral healing and stent duration after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures using a porcine model. Kerbl Kurt, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Robert S. Figenshau, Ralph V. Clayman, Mark R. Wick, A. Marika Stone. Journal of Urology 149: 276A, 1993.
Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy: a critical appraisal. Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth McDougall, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Louis R. Kavoussi. Journal of Urology 149: 351A, 1993.
Laparoscopic repair of vesicoureteral reflux utilizing the Lich-Gregoir technique in the pig model. Elspeth M. McDougall, Donald A. Urban, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, A. Marika Stone, Paul Fadden. Journal of Urology 149: 359A, 1993.
Staging pelvic lyphadenectomy for prostate cancer: a comparison of laparoscopic and open techniques. Kurt Kerbl, John A. Petros, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Ralph V. Clayman, Inderbir S. Gill. Journal of Urology 149: 379A, 1993.
Laparoscopic staples and clips in the urinary tract: bladder and vascular applications. Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman, Elspeth M. McDougall, Robert S. Figenshau, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Louis R. Kavoussi, David M. Albala, Donald A. Urban. Journal of Urology 149: 409A, 1993.
Organ entrapment and renal morcellation: permeability studies. A. M. Stone, R. V. Clayman, K. Kerbl, E. M. McDougall, P. T. Fadden, D. A. Urban. Journal of Urology 149: 411A, 1993.
Laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy. Inderbir S. Gill, Bruce A. Lucas, J. William McRoberts, Joseph M. Carbone, Paul T. Fadden, Ralph V. Clayman, Elspeth M. McDougall, Kurt Kerbl, Kevin Anderson, A. Marika Stone. Journal of Urolgy 149: 417A, 1993.
Adrenal involvement in renal cell cancer: incidence and predictive value of the computed tomography (CT) scan. Inderbir S. Gill, Bruce L. McClennan, Joseph M. Carbone, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Mark Wick. Journal of Urology 149: 421A, 1993.
Ureteronephroscopic urothelial endoureteroplasty. D. A. Urban, R. V. Clayman, K. Kerbl, E. M. McDougall. Journal of Urology 149:491A, 1993.
Metallic wallstents: a new therapy for extrinsic ureteral obstruction. Walter Pauer, Herbert Lugmayr, Kurt Kerbl. Journal of Urology 149: 491A, 1993.

Video-Urology, Orlando, Florida, June 24-27, 1993.
Laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy. Inderbir S. Gill, Joseph M. Carbone, Ralph V. Clayman, Paul A. Fadden, A. Marika Stone, Kurt Kerbl, Kevin R. Anderson, Elspeth M. McDougall, Bruce A. Lucas, J. William Mc Roberts.

11th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, 9th Annual Research Symposium on ESWL, Florence, October 1993:
Metallic Wallstents: a new therapy for extrinsic ureteral obstruction? Walter Pauer, Herbert Lugmayr, Kurt Kerbl. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S80.
Laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy. Inderbir S. Gill, Joseph M. Carbone, Ralph V. Clayman, Paul A. Fadden, A. Marika Stone, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth McDougall, Bruce A. Lucas, J. Williams McRoberts. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S234.
Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy. Elspeth McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman, Kurt Kerbl, Kevin Anderson, Louis Kavoussi. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S65.
Staging pelvic lymphadenectomy for prostate cancer: a comparison of laparoscopic and open techniques. Kurt Kerbl, John A. Petros, Paramjit S. Chandhoke, Ralph V. Clayman, Inderbir S. Gill. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S64.
Ureteral stricture model in the Yucatan minipig. Kevin R. Anderson, Joseph Carbone, Paul T. Fadden, Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S58.
Effect of piezoelectric energy on porcine kidneys using the EDAP LT02. Kevin R. Anderson, Kurt Kerbl, Paul T. Fadden, Mark R. Wick, Elspeth McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S57.
Laparoscopic nephrectomy: transabdominal vs.retroperitoneal. Ralph V. Clayman, Elspeth M. McDougall, Kurt Kerbl, Kevin Anderson, Louis R. Kavoussi. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S139.
Laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy. Inderbir S. Gill, Joseph M. Carbone, Ralph V. Clayman, Paul A. Fadden, A. Marika Stone, Kurt Kerbl, Bruce A. Lucas, J. William McRoberts.
Laparoscopic continent urinary diversion in a porcine model. Kevin R. Anderson, Paul T. Fadden, Kurt Kerbl, Elspeth M. McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S197.
Pneumodissection: a new method of laparoscopic tissue dissection. Ralph V. Clayman, Paul T. Fadden, Elspeth M. McDougall, Kurt Kerbl, Fred Roemer, Kevin R. Anderson. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S197.
Incision of the ureterovesical junction for endoscopic surveillance of transitional cell cancer of the upper urinary tract. Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1993; 7: S69.

Eighty-Nineth Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, May 15- 19, 1994, San Francisco, California.
Laparoscopic nephrectomy: transperitoneal vs. retroperitoneal. Ralph V. Clayman, Elspeth M. McDougall, Kurt Kerbl, Kevin R. Anderson, Louis R. Kavoussi. J. Urol. 1994; 151:342A.
Pneumodissection: a new method of laparoscopic tissue dissection. Kevin R. Anderson, Paul T. Fadden, Elspeth M. McDougall, Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman, Fred Roemer. J. Urol. 1994; 151: 214A.
Evaluation of optimal stent size after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures (preliminary report). Young Tae Moon, Kurt Kerbl, Stephanie M. Gardner, Elspeth M. McDougall, Peggy S. Pearle, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Urol. 1994; 151: 338A.
Ureteral stricture model in the Yucatan minipig. Joseph Carbone, Kevin R. Anderson, Paul T. Fadden, Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Urol. 1994; 151: 338A.

V Eurotraining Course on Renal and Ureteral Endosurgery, November 13-16, 1994, Loano, Italy:
Intraureteral stents in the endourological treatment of ureteral strictures. Kurt Kerbl.
The case for laparoscopic nephrectomy. Kurt Kerbl.
Comparison between trans- and retroperitoneal approach in laparoscopic nephrectomy. Kurt Kerbl.

12th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, 10th Annual Research Symposium on ESWL, St. Louis, December 1993:
Pathologic and physiologic effects of indwelling ureteral stents made of ÒCÓ Flex material on the normal porcine ureter and kidney. D. A. Urban, R. V. Clayman, K. Kerbl, E.M. McDougall, A. M. Stone, H. Royal, M. Wick. J. Endourol. 1994; 8: S49.
Anesthetic requirements for the EDAP LT02. T. G. Monk, P. S. Pearle, S. Y. Nakada, K. R. Anderson, K. Kerbl, W. L. Bub, R. C. Endicott, R. V. Clayman. J. Endourol. 1994; 8: S126.
Endoluminal stents. (State of the art talk)
Evaluation of ureteral healing and stent duration after endourologic incision of ureteral strictures using a porcine model. Kurt Kerbl, March 1996, Shanghai, China.

Ninety-First Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, May 4-9, 1996, Orlando, Florida. Is laparoscopy suitable for nephron-sparing surgery for small renal cell carcinoma? Hans-Jorg Daffner, Gunther Janetschek, Georg Bartsch, Kurt Kerbl. Journal of Urology 155: 499A, 1996.

18th World Congress on Endourology and SWL, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 14-17, 2000. Comparison of renal ablation with cryotherapy (CR), dry radiofrequency (RF), and saline augmented radiofrequency (SARF) in a porcine model. William C. Collyer, Jamie Landman, Ephram O. Olweny, Kurt Kerbl, Cassio Andreoni, Ralph V. Clayman, David G. Bostwick. J Endourol 14: P2, 2000.
Comparison of the Ligasure system, titanium clips, Endo-GIA vascular staples, and sutures for arterial and venous ligation in a porcine model. Jamie Landman, Kurt Kerbl, Cassio Andreoni, William Collyer, Ephrem Olweny, Chandru Sundaram, Ralph V. Clayman. J Endourol 14: P3, 2000.
Evaluation of a biodegradable ureteric stent after retrograde endopyelotomy in a porcine model. Ephrem O. Olweny, Jaime Landman, Cassio Andreoni, William Collyer, Kurt Kerbl, Mikhaila Onciu, Ralph V. Clayman. J Endourol 14: P8, 2000.

Annual Meeting 2001 of the American Urological Association, June 2-7, 2001, Anaheim, California.
Comparison of the Ligasure system, bipolar electrosurgery, harmonic scalpel, titanium clips, and Endo-GIA vascular staplers for laparoscopic vascular control in a porcine model. Jaime Landman, Kurt Kerbl, Jamil Rehman, Cassio Andreoni, Peter A. Humphrey, William Collyer, Chandru Sundarem, Ralph V. Clayman. J. Urol. 2001; 165:1.
Evaluation of a biodegradable ureteric stent after retrograde endopyelotomy in a porcine model. Ephrem Olweny, Jaime Landman, Cassio Andreoni, William Collyer, Kurt Kerbl, Ralph V. Clayman, Mikhaila Onciu, Tero Valimaa. J. Urol. 2001; 165: 1.


Xth EAU CONGRESS, Genoa, July, 1992
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
Acucise Endopyelotomy: Initial clinical experience

18th World Congress on Endourology and ESWL, Sao Paulo, September, 2000
Lateralizing essential hematuria: tricks in the diagnostic and therapeutic ureteroscopy.
A new treatment for multifocal superficial transitional cell cancer of the bladder: "Touch and Go" electrovaporization.

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