Working on GoldCalc
Armour Calculator for HarnMaster Gold Rules 2.1
I've not finished it yet. It is a Work in Progress but will be released shortly.


Columbia Games - they create and market Harn stuff in their own strange manner. Also check out the more specific categories on the left panel.

Kelestia.Com - this is the web-site of the Original designer of Harn and where the future of Harn is being developed.

Suggested Harn stuff - Generic (all rule systems)

Adventures – 100 Bushels of Rye; Nasty, Short & Brutish(d20); Dead of Winter;
Trobridge Inn(d20), Evael - Elves (d20); Staff of Fanon; Kiraz, abandoned Dwarven city

Resources – HârnWorld(maps and such) - I've even seen some areas used in Call of Cthulu stuff;
Kingdom Modules – Kaldor, Rethem, Tharda, Kanday

Free Stuff – click on ‘Downloads’ at top - The principal site that I use to start my search for the good quality fan modules. Some of the articles are written by authors that do ‘canon’ Hârn material.

Hârn Character Generator – Good quality stuff. Make sure you get the FULL FREE version and not the demo.

Downloadable – I created an extremely useful DOS armour calculator for Hârn 1st edition. Can't print in Windows. Best to create a text file and then print that out. Double-clicking adds/removes. Clicking on the Red 'X' in the upper corner exits the program.

Good Links – answers to questions, gossip, hair-pulling, and cat-fights. I must warn you that there’s a dispute going on between the two owners of the Hârn material. I’ve always been a bit negative about their ‘wonderfulness’ so I’d rather concentrate on the stuff they’ve already produced. That speaks for itself; especially to newcomers.

Warflail Links - is the masterlist of links. Much Goodness; poke around.

Fanzine Thonahexus – fan generated articles – off-beat. – really good downloads – fan stuff and even art.

Nolomar Rising - many role-playing sessions are recorded and you can delight in their travails.

Harn Religion Team - unofficial but quite useful religious articles based on the Harn pantheon - primers, codes of conduct, supporting tales, and philosophies. They keep close to canon Harn material. – Harn and other worlds and interests as well.

Any Questions or comments?? Just e-mail me at my new e-mail address
zoomie _AT_
[email protected] was my old e-mail address

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